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"I say, it would be a horrible shock to you, General, if she were to refuse me to-night." "She sha WON'T!" said the General, setting his jaw, but turning a shade paler. "She'll jump at the chance." Eddie sighed dismally. "Doesn't it really seem awful to you?" "Having you for a son-in-law?

|Locality |District |Mineral | | | |Niu Hsin T'ai |Pen-hsi |Coal |Tien Shih Fu Kou |Pen-hsi |Coal |Sha Sung Kang |Hai-lung |Coal |T'ieh Ch'ang |Tung-hua |Coal |Nuan Ti Tang |Chin |Coal |An Shan Chan region |From Liaoyang to Pen-hsi |Iron Article 5.

Sha Ho-shang now defended the Master with his staff, which was, however, no match for the Demon's starry sword. The Demon seized the Master and carried him under one arm and Sha Ho-shang under the other to the Lotus Cave. The two Demons then planned to take their two most precious things, a yellow gourd and a jade vase, and try to bottle the Monkey.

"Sha,'s nothing," said the man. The new-comer surveyed the deplorable figure before him and then turned to the constable, saying: "It's all right, constable. I'll see him home." The constable touched his helmet and answered: "All right, Mr. Power!" "Come now, Tom," said Mr. Power, taking his friend by the arm. "No bones broken. What? Can you walk?"

Te ynda ka la wan sha la iing, artat artat ka lynti ka la puson ha la ka mynsim da kaba kymen ba ka la iashem ia u blei uba la ai katne ki tyngka bad uba la kren kum kine ki ktin. Te kumta ka la ring u máwpún uba don badúh mynta. Bad hamar ba ka dang sydang ba'n tháw sa ka iing ka lap ba ioh tynga noh pynban; kumta ka kha u khun da uba matlah bad tang shibit ka iap noh.

Having given the promise, he mounted his horse, and they proceeded on their journey. The Spiders and the Extinguisher When they had gone a short distance they perceived a great building of fine architecture ahead of them. It proved to be a Taoist temple. Sha Ho-shang said: "Let us enter, for Buddhism and Taoism teach the same things. They differ only in their vestments."

"Because I hard he was to come," replied his companion; "but whether or not I'd be here." "Tha sha maigh it's right may be so shiss, it's all right, may be so well?" Teddy, although he said it was all right, did not seem however to think so. The furtive and suspicious glance which he gave Hogan from under his red beetle brows should be seen in order to be understood.

"No; I sha 'nt back Hurricane. I shall back him." "Which? The horse or the rider?" "The horse no, both!" she declared, firmly. "And oh, papa," she exclaimed, glancing back at him over her shoulder, "they say he wants to win to send his sister to school and to go to college himself." "Well, I must say you seem to have learned a good deal about him for the time you had." She nodded brightly.

"I'll see him," said Richard, stamping his foot firmly on the ground, "and if I like him, I'll be as good as a father to him. Look you, Mr. what's your name, sir?" "Dale." "Mr. Dale, look you, I'm a single man. Perhaps I may marry some day; perhaps I sha' n't. I'm not going to throw myself away.

The goddess promised that he should be delivered by the priest, her envoy, provided he would engage himself in the service of the pilgrim. On his promising to do this, and to lead a better life, she herself ordained him priest. In the end it came about that Hsüan Chuang, when passing the Sha Ho, took him into his suite as coolie to carry his baggage.