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Tout notre mal vient de ne pouvoir etre seuls; de la le jeu, le luxe, la dissipation, le vin, les femmes, l'ignorance, la medisance, l'envie, l'oubli de soi-meme et de Dieu. La Bruyere.

De part ni d'autre, d'ailleurs, il n'y a d'homme en etat de diriger les evenements; ils iront done probablement tout seuls, commes des chevaux qui n'ont pas de cocher, ce qui est le moyen a peu pres sur d'aller dans le fosse. Christmas and the early days of the New Year were passed at Foxholes. On January 15th the Reeves returned to Rutland Gate.

Good gracious, gentlemen! enough of this foolish talk! Let them cut this Lambernier's throat and put an end to the subject! The theatre for dramatic music, the church for sacred! Le vin, le jeu; les belles, Voila mes seuls amours." A general protestation rose from the whole table at this verse, which was roared out in a lugubrious voice.

"Leurs touffes de cheveux noirs volaient dans la salle, eux seuls

Many of the pirouettes, and other difficult movements, which are introduced into the pas seuls, pas de deux, &c. in which the great dancers display their whole powers, however wonderful as specimens of art, are certainly any thing but elegant or graceful.

How happened it that the couples held each other so closely, and clasped each other's hands so convulsively, that the "cavaliers seuls" made themselves conspicuous by certain extraordinary steps in that figure usually so grave, so solemn, so majestic, so very proper? Alas! what OEdipus could have answered these unsolvable questions?

"Ces Insulaires voudraient bien que les Hurons ne vinssent point aux Francois & que les Francois n'allassent point aux Hurons, afin d'emporter eux seuls tout le trafic," etc. This "Nation de l'Isle" has been erroneously located at Montreal. Its true position is indicated on the map of Du Creux, and on an ancient MS. map in the Depot des Cartes, of which a fac-simile is before me.

All this I seemed to read in his clever, cynical countenance, in direct opposition to the thrilling sentences of the Abbé Petit as he leant forward and said, with uplifted finger and prophetic intensity: "La lumière est venue, mes frères et si vous ne la suivez pas vous serez laissés seuls dans vos églises."

Good gracious, gentlemen! enough of this foolish talk! Let them cut this Lambernier's throat and put an end to the subject! The theatre for dramatic music, the church for sacred! Le vin, le jeu; les belles, Voila mes seuls amours." A general protestation rose from the whole table at this verse, which was roared out in a lugubrious voice.

"It's more like a dream than a reality, isn't it?" said he. "Too wonderful to be true. Makes me think of Alfred de Musset's 'Lucie. You remember the poem? "'Un soir, nous etions seuls, J'etais assis pres d'elle . .." Beatrice nodded. "Yes, I know!" she whispered. "How could I forget it? And to think that for a thousand years the moon's been shining just the same, and nobody "