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Dona Isabella de Castilla, wife of Don Carlos de Seso, was there, and her niece, Dona Catalina condemned to lose all their property, to wear the san-benito, and to be imprisoned for life.

Before Julianillo could say more he was hurried away from the hall of the Inquisition, and thrown into a dark and noisome dungeon, there to remain till the day fixed for the next auto-da-fe, at which he was to suffer the extreme penalty inflicted by the Inquisition. He was among those who suffered on the day already described, when Don Carlo de Seso received the crown of martyrdom.

The most noble-looking and highest in rank was Don Carlos de Seso, the upturning flames on whose robe showed that he was doomed to the stake. With him was Domingo de Roxas, Pedro de Cazalla, parish priest of Pedroso, who was destined to share the fate of his family.

X, p. 385: 'Item ello en no tiene ninguna verosimilitud ni apariencia de verdad porque ¿en qué seso cabe que un hombre que no es hablador ni le tienen por tonto, habia de decir un desatino semejante, y en un lugar tan público como es un convite?

They had counted the cost, and well knew that should the Inquisition discover their proceedings, the stake would be their doom. Both Don Carlos de Seso and Don Domingo de Guzman addressed the congregation of earnest believers on this occasion. They prayed also with all the fervour of true believers, and hymns were sung of praise to Him who had called them out of darkness into His marvellous light.

He hoped thus to reach De Seso, and to persuade him to bear him company in his flight. Calahora was reached without interruption. The noble De Seso was very unwilling to believe the reports which Don Domingo brought him. "You go, my friend; but I cannot carry my wife and young children, and will not desert them," he answered. No arguments would move him.

As far as he could judge, his steps were retraced till the party reached the neighbourhood of Calahora; they were then joined by another band of horsemen escorting prisoners. He had too much reason to fear that his friend De Seso was one of them. Among the prisoners were several females of that he was certain. He longed to ascertain if his suspicions were correct.

One of the most active propagators of the reformed doctrines in the surrounding country was Don Carlos de Seso, who had for important services been held in high honour by Charles the Fifth, and had married Dona Isabella de Castilla, a descendant of the royal family of Castile and Leon.

Looking at the unhappy penitents who were risking their salvation to escape a few moments' suffering, and then at the noble De Seso, standing unmoved amid the rising flames, he walked deliberately back to the stake, exclaiming, "I will die like De Seso." More fuel was brought, and he was quickly in the joy of his Lord.

"True, Don Francisco, true," answered Julianillo; "but we must not delay. A few minutes may make the difference between life and safety, and imprisonment and death. When our brother Don Domingo de Roxas attempted to escape, from a short delay caused by his visit to the noble De Seso, he fell into the power of the inquisitors.