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We left Serambang before daylight on Thursday in buggies, escorted by Captain Murray, the buggies, as usual, being lent by the Chinese "Capitans."

The Chinese town of Serambang lies at the foot of the hill. The valley is nearly surrounded by richly wooded hills, some of them fully three thousand feet high. These, which stretch away to the northern State of Selangor, are bathed in indigo and cobalt, slashed with white here and there, where cool streams dash over forest-shaded ledges.

The view in all directions was beautiful to the north a sea of densely wooded mountains with indigo shadows in their hollows; to the south the country we had threaded on the Linggi river, forests, and small tapioca clearings, little valleys where rice is growing, and scars where tin- mining is going on; the capital, the little town of Serambang with its larger clearings, and to the west the gleam of the shining sea.

Captain Shaw asked the imaum of one of the mosques of Malacca about alligator's eggs a few days ago, and his reply was, that the young that went down to the sea became alligators, and those which came up the rivers became iguanas. At daylight, after coffee and bananas, we left the hill, and after an accident, promptly remedied by Mr. Hayward, reached Serambang when the sun was high in the heavens.

The Appurtenances of Civilization Babu Characteristics of Captain Murray An Embodied Government Chinese Mining Enterprise A Chinese Gaming-House The "Capitans China" New-Year Visits Sittings "In Equity" A Court of Justice The Serambang Prison "Plantation Hill" A Monster Bonfire An Ant World An Ant Funeral Night on "Plantation Hill" The Murder of Mr.

On Sunday morning we had English service and a sermon, the congregation being augmented by the only other English people a man from Australia who is here road-making, and his wife; and in the afternoon, disregarding a temperature of 85 degrees, we went through the Chinese village of Serambang.

The Tomb of "A Great Prophet" "Durance Vile" Fragile Travelers Our Craft A Night in the Jungle Nocturnal Revelations January in the Perak Jungle Glories of the Jungle Activity and Stillness An Uneasy Night A Slim Repast Betel-Chewing A Severe Disappointment Police Station at Rassa BRITISH RESIDENCY, SERAMBANG, SUNGEI UJONG, January 26.