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Group III. and sesqui. iron are separated by agitation with baryta carbonate, some chloride of ammonia being added to prevent nickel and cobalt precipitation traces, and filtering. The filtrate from this last is directly treated with chlorine.

Then presently young Fizzlechip, who had been teller in Mullins's Bank and that everybody had thought a worthless jackass before, came back from the Cobalt country with a fortune, and loafed round in the Mariposa House in English khaki and a horizontal hat, drunk all the time, and everybody holding him up as an example of what it was possible to do if you tried. They all went in.

Its principal metalliferous sites are the Hartz Mountains, on the borders of Hanover and Prussia, and the Erzgebirge or Ore Mountains, which separate Saxony from Bohemia. They yield silver, copper, lead, iron, tin, and cobalt. The most prolific sites of the precious metals in Europe are possessed by Austria. The Styrian Alps furnish a vast amount of iron.

Blue-white flames bored savagely into solid metal, and melted copper gave off strangely colored clouds of vapor which emptiness whisked away to nothing and molten iron and cobalt made equally lurid clouds of other colors. There were Plumies in the air lock, watching. At 03 hours 40 minutes ship time, all the men but one drew back. They went inside the Niccola.

It occurs as metallic arsenic, which is of a steel-grey colour, brittle, and gives off a garlic-like odour when heated; as arsenious acid; in the form of two sulphides the red sulphide, or realgar, and the yellow sulphide, or orpiment; and as arsenite of copper, or Scheele's green. It also exists as an impurity in the ores of several metals iron, copper, silver, tin, zinc, nickel, and cobalt.

The words went hard with the enthusiastic girl, for her precious eight shillings were nearly exhausted, and she knew that she must deny herself some sadly-needed cobalt if she sent that telegram. "Never mind," she said, as she let herself out of the house, and rushed off to the nearest post-office.

How pretty they looked up there in the great blue vault in which they seemed the choicest settings of an angel's handiwork! Somehow they seemed to sparkle more brightly, and the sky seemed a richer cobalt, than the sky the boys knew at home. But they missed many of the stars which they loved in America.

I have the knowledge to avert this slaughter and you won't listen to me. And I know where the cobalt bombs are in the magter tower that Hys raided last night. Get those bombs and there is no need to drop any of your own!" "I'm sorry, Brion. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but at the same time I know the futility of it.

The little blue dog came trotting out of Indigo's boudoir and crowed like a rooster, for although he could not see Trot, his keen little nose scented her presence. Thinking it time the Princess awoke, Trot leaned over and gave her snub nose a good tweak, and at once Indigo sprang out of her bed and rushed into the chamber of Cobalt, which adjoined her own.

If the sights and sounds were beautiful, the sun was hot, and the road fearful, and we were indeed glad when we reached "Whitehead's Cobalt Mine," and were most kindly received by the gentlemen who superintend the works. The house used to belong to some Boer, who had deserted the place, but left behind him a beautiful orchard of orange and peach trees.