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By this time the snow mountains of Tyrol were all lighted to gold and purple, rose and faintest violet. Sunshine lay warm now on all the near peaks. But great billowy oceans of mist rolled below along the courses of the Alp-fed streams, and, deep under a pall of heavy, pale gray cloud, the Trauerbach was rushing through its hidden valley down to Schicksalsee and Todtstein.

Nobody knew where he kept himself in the interval, but about a week later he came running down with a valise in his hand and jumped into a carriage from the "Green Bear" at Schicksalsee, which had just brought some people out and was returning empty.

Smiling Anna, standing by, understood, aided by a hint from Ruth of "Schmarn und Reh-braten" and clattered away to fetch the never-changing venison and fried batter, with which, and Schicksalsee beer, the Frau Foerster sustained her guests the year round, from "Georgi" to "Michaeli" and from "Michaeli" to "Georgi," reasoning that what she liked was good enough for them.

The colonel backed away, twisting his white mustache. "How do, Reggy! Same boy, eh? Yes. I drove from Schicksalsee this morning." "This morning? Wasn't it last night?" said Rex, looking at the shadows on the opposite mountain. "And I am going to get some trout," continued the colonel, ignoring the interruption. "So's Daisy. See my new waterproof rig?"

She was tall, and so far as Mr Blumenthal had ever seen, extremely grave for her years. But Mr Blumenthal's opportunities of observing Miss Dene had been limited. The "gams" had disappeared. Miss Dene was looking down the road that leads to Schicksalsee. There was not much visible there except a whirl of dust raised by the sudden evening wind.

"Or less, judging from your costume," said her mother. "Schicksalsee isn't Rangely, you know. I only hope the good people in the little ducal court won't call you theatrical." "A theatrical stunner!" mused Ruth, in her clearest tones. "It is good to know how one strikes one's friends." "The disciplining of this young person is to be left to me," said the colonel.

"My daughter needs no one's solicitude, not even ours!" said the old lady haughtily. "Right! Thank God!" said the veteran, in a tone of relief. "Good night, my dear!" Two days later they left for Paris. Rex accompanied them as far as Schicksalsee, promising to follow them in a few days.

"Schade!" said Federl. "Jammer-schade!" growled Sepp. On the platform at Schicksalsee, Rex and Ruth were walking while they waited for the train. "Ruth," said Rex, "I hope you never will need a friend's life to save yours from harm; but if you do, take mine." "Yes, Rex." She raised her eyes and looked into the distance. Far on the horizon loomed the Red Peak.

With him Gethryn arranged for having his traps brought from Trauerbach and consigned to the brothers Schnurr at the "Gasthof zur Post," Schicksalsee, that inn being close to the station. This settled, he lighted a cigarette and strolled across to his hotel, sitting down on a stone bench before the door, and looking off at the lake. It was mid-afternoon. The little place was asleep.