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I can imagine that there is something rich and voluptuous and sating about amber, its color, and its lustre, and its scent; but for others, not for me. Yea, you have beauty, after all," turning suddenly, and withering me with his eye, "beauty, after all, as you didn't say just now. Mr. Willoughby is in the garden. I must go before he comes in, or he'll make me stay.

The constipated bowels were permitted their own times for action. The mouthfuls were small and far apart like dashes between words not less than forty-five minutes were spent in masticating. Very soon there was a general rousement of new life in every way. His first surprise was in an unwonted sense of relish and a complete sating of hunger long before he had eaten the old-time amounts.

His Lordship came near and leant close to her ear and said, "Thou hast turned thy charms to ill account, thou stirrest me to evil deeds. Didst thy love help thee to this rendezvous, and was he satisfied to leave thee when he heard my sword flap upon the chair without to fight thy battles alone, or did he sate his desire on thy innocent face and fled aforetime to prepare for a greater sating?

It embraced a rage against dreamers and a rage against lawbreakers. Lawbreakers were men and women who sacrificed the welfare and safety of the many for the sating of their individual greeds and lusts. He viewed the activities of lawbreakers with a sense of personal outrage.

Oh, the shame of it the hot flashing of her cheeks when she thought of it! No, she was now looking on all this as a pauper looks into the shop-front displaying the warm clothing that would keep the bitter cold from him, or as starvelings of big cities, through the windows of great restaurants and hostelries, stare upon the well-fed people sating themselves with an abundance of good cheer.

Thus cozened, as it were, into eating, Miss Beale tackled the egg, and Theydon was glad to note that she made a fairly good meal, being probably unaware of her hunger until the means of sating it presented itself. But she missed no word of his story, and when he made an end, put some shrewd questions.

Nor is there any doubt that the man-at-arms who hath lost his uses in the struggle of this world should take delight in quiet exile, sating his soul with the pomp of dead centuries." "Nor he nor I meant offence," began Arden, hastily. "I know you did not," the other answered. "I have grown churlish of late. Robin! a stirrup-cup for Master Arden!"

'I am going to tell you, I replied, speaking so that every word might fall distinctly on her ears, and sating my eyes the while on her proud face. I had never dreamed of such revenge as this! 'About a fortnight ago, M. de Cocheforet left here at night with a little orange-coloured sachet in his possession. She uttered a stifled cry, and drew herself stiffly erect.

Hartopp and his foreman came duly to tea, but the Comedian exhibited Sir Isaac's talents very sparingly, just enough to excite admiration without sating curiosity.

Marriage is something more than the mere pulsating to romance, the thrilling to vague-sweet strains, the singing idly in empty days, the sating of self with pleasure what of the children? "Never mind the children," says selfish little Love. "It has been our wont never to give any thought to the children; they were incidental.