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"Rosss !" From behind a tumbled wall crept a Hawaikan who did not wear the guard armor of the others. Gill-pack, flippers, diver's belt, had been stripped from him. There was a bleeding gash down the side of his face, and he held his left arm against his body, supported by his right hand. "Baleku!" The Rover pulled himself up to his feet and stood swaying.

And smaller ones of the same type were on the raised deck at the stern and mounted in the prow, their muzzles, if the square fronts might be deemed muzzles, flanking the blinking dragon head. Catapults of some type? Ross wondered. "Rosss " His name was given the hiss Loketh used, but it was not the Wrecker youth who joined him now at the stern of the ship.

"Rosss." The alien made a clicking hiss of the first name. "Karara " He did better with the second. Ross carefully unpacked the box Taua had located. He had only slight knowledge of how the device worked. It was intended to record a strange language, break it down into symbols already familiar to the Time Agents. But could it also be used as a translator with a totally alien tongue?

And he was at the edge of that watercourse when a faint sound brought him to a frozen halt, weapon ready. "Rosss " "Loketh!" "And Torgul and Vistur." This was the party from the opposite side of the island, gone expertly to earth. In the moonlight Ross could detect no sign of their presence, yet their voices sounded almost beside him. "They are in there, in the great hall." That was Torgul.

"You ... Rosss " Vistur fronted them, his face a mixture of bewilderment and awe. "The Foanna " said in a half whisper, echoed by crewmen gathering around, but not too close. "Gordon!" Karara elbowed her way between two of the Hawaikans and ran across the deck. She caught the Agent's both hands as if to assure herself that he was alive and there before her. Then she turned to the three Foanna.