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"There were pueblos at the top in the old days," said the Road-Runner, "facing across a deep divide, but nobody goes there now except owls that have their nests in the ruins, and the last of the Condors, who since old time have made their home in the pinnacles of the Rock. He'll have seen us coming."

I ain't one of the presumin' kind an' I hate to tell any man his own business, but if twenty years o' gamblin' an' meetin' all kinds an' conditions o' men ain't made me as fly as a road-runner, then that there artesian well is spoutin' mint juleps.

"Come," said the Road-Runner, understanding that there would be no more to the Telling. "The Seven Persons are out, and the trail is darkling." The children looked up and saw the constellation which they knew as the Dipper, shining in a deep blue heaven. The glow was gone from the high cliffs of El Morro, and the junipers seemed to draw secretly together.

Without a word they took hands and began to run along the trail after the Road-Runner. This is the story the Dog Soldier told Oliver one evening in April, just after school let out, while the sun was still warm and bright on the young grass, and yet one somehow did not care about playing.

"Sons eso to your story." "Sons eso, tse-na," said the Road-Runner, and began. "First," he said, "to Hawikuh, a city of the Zunis, came Estevan, the black man who had been with Cabeza de Vaca, with a rattle in his hand and very black behavior. Him the Indians killed, and the priest who was with him they frightened away.

"There is a Telling of that passing and of that soldier which has to do with the gold that was never found." "Sons eso," said the Road-Runner, and they settled themselves to listen. "About the third of a man's life would have passed between the time when Onate came to the founding of Santa Fe, and the building of the first church by Father Letrado.

I believe the bird was called the grass finch by our earlier writers. It haunts the hilly pastures and roadsides in the Catskill region. It is often called the road-runner, from its habit of running along the road ahead when one is driving or walking a very different bird, however, from the road-runner of the Western States.

Off to the right what seemed a vast sheet of water spread out like quicksilver on the plain; it moved with a crawling motion, and a coyote that trotted across their line of vision seemed to swim in it, his head just showing above the slight billows. "It's only mirage," said the Road-Runner; "even Indians are fooled by it if they are strange to the country.

He's an early starter and a hell-to-split driver, and he ought to be here not far from sundown." "What plugs is he drivin'?" asked Mustang Taylor, with a smack of hope in his tones. "The buckboard greys," said Sam. "I'll wait a spell, then," said the wrangler. "Them plugs eat up a trail like a road-runner swallowin' a whip snake.

You don't know what the land birds might be able to tell you." From Cay Verde in the Bahamas to the desert of New Mexico, by the Museum trail, is around a corner and past two windows that look out upon the west. As the children stood waiting for the Road-Runner to notice them, they found the view not very different from the one they had just left.