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Necessity of Reorganising the Provincial Administration Zemstvo Created in 1864 My First Acquaintance with the Institution District and Provincial Assemblies The Leading Members Great Expectations Created by the Institution These Expectations Not Realised Suspicions and Hostility of the Bureaucracy Zemstvo Brought More Under Control of the Centralised Administration What It Has Really Done Why It Has Not Done More -Rapid Increase of the Rates How Far the Expenditure Is Judicious Why the Impoverishment of the Peasantry Was Neglected Unpractical, Pedantic Spirit Evil Consequences Chinese and Russian Formalism Local Self-Government of Russia Contrasted with That of England Zemstvo Better than Its Predecessors Its Future.

After spending the winter in Nineveh, reorganising his troops, the Assyrian inaugurated a campaign which ended in the subjugation of Northern Syria and its incorporation in the empire. Only one difficulty foiled Tiglath-pileser. He failed to capture the impregnable fortress of Dhuspas, in which Sharduris had taken refuge.

It is this fact, the consciousness on the part of the women taking their share in the Woman's Movement of our age, that their efforts are not, and cannot be, of immediate advantage to themselves, but that they almost of necessity and immediately lead to loss and renunciation, which gives to this movement its very peculiar tone; setting it apart from the large mass of economic movements, placing it rather in a line with those vast religious developments which at the interval of ages have swept across humanity, irresistibly modifying and reorganising it.

In pursuance of the negotiations a mission consisting of three Afghan gentlemen, two of whom belonged to Mr Griffin's political staff, left Cabul on May 2nd carrying to Abdurrahman a letter from Mr Griffin intimating that it had been decided to withdraw the British army from Afghanistan in the course of a few months, and that the British authorities desired to leave the rulership in capable and friendly hands; that they were therefore willing to transfer the Government to him, recognise him as the head of the State, and afford him facilities and even support in reorganising the Government and establishing himself in the sovereignty.

Indifferent to the state of the country and incapable of reorganising it, the Directors were principally concerned in struggling against an incessant series of conspiracies in order to keep in power. This task was enough to occupy their leisure, for the political parties had not disarmed. Anarchy had reached such a point that all were calling for a hand powerful enough to restore order.

Their economic life was radically dislocated by the Emancipation, and they have not yet succeeded in reorganising it according to the new conditions.

From the original starting point the hunt doubtlessly was now reorganising. One thing was certain it had not eddied back this far. The men of the law would be working on a confused basis yet awhile, anyhow. And Trencher meant to twistify the clews still further, for all that he felt safe enough already. For the first time a sense of security exhilarated him. Almost it was a sense of exultation.

She came a step closer and stood gazing at him blankly, reorganising her sensations. "You wrote it? You?" "Yes; I." "But did you really know anything about me, or about Sir Roger Bennet?" "Nothing on earth. I was simply repeating idle gossip." "Oh, how could you! And look what came of it. The years of bitterness and estrangement !" He winced under her passionate reproach.

That the Woman's Movement of our day has not taken its origin from any mere process of theoretic argument; that it breaks out, now here and now there, in forms divergent and at times superficially almost irreconcilable; that the majority of those taking part in it are driven into action as the result of the immediate pressure of the conditions of life, and are not always able logically to state the nature of all causes which propel them, or to paint clearly all results of their action; so far from removing it from the category of the vast reorganising movements of humanity, places it in a line with them, showing how vital, spontaneous, and wholly organic and unartificial is its nature.

I took some part in reorganising the society, on the new plan, but that was all. But now they've changed their views, and have made up their minds that it would be dangerous to let me go, and I believe I'm sentenced to death too." "Oh, they do nothing but sentence to death, and all by means of sealed documents, signed by three men and a half. And you think they've any power!"