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A light, aerial delicacy, a simple elegance une nettete remarquable d'execution: these are essential characteristics alike of Villon's poetry, and of the Hours of Anne of Brittany. They are characteristic too of a hundred French Gothic carvings and traceries.

Joseph; and, as heavy rains occurred soon after, the Indians conceived a high idea of the efficacy of the French "medicine." Ce fut vne chose remarquable, que le iour de sa feste et durant l'Octaue, les commoditez nous venoient de toutes parts." Brebeuf, Relation des Hurons, 1635, 41.

«Mais ce n'est pas seulement la singularité de cette forme qui rend cette montagne remarquable; c'est peut-être plus encore sa structure. J'ai constaté que le Mont-Blanc et tous les hauts sommets de sa chaîne sont composés de couches verticales. Au Mont-Rose jusqu'aux cimes les plus élevées, tout est horizontal ou incliné au plus de 30 degrés.

Remarquable were the two men that represent the two Dukes of Normandy and Aquitane. The Bishops come next after Barons, which is the higher place; which makes me think that the next Parliament they will be called to the House of Lords. My Lord Monk rode bare after the King, and led in his hand a spare horse, as being Master of the Horse.

He has a Franc-Comtois accent, he utters the syllables in the middle of words rapidly and drawls the final syllables; he puts a circumflex accent on every "a," and like Charles Nodier, pronounces: "honorable, remarquable." He speaks badly and writes well. In the tribune his gesture consists of little feverish pats upon his manuscript with the palm of his hand.

«Au travers de cette vallée, on voit de hautes montagnes couverte de neige, situées derriere celles qui bordent notre route. La plus haute et la plus remarquable de ces montagnes se nomme la Dent ou l'Aiguille du Midi. De l'autre côté du Rhône, on voit une autre cime aussi très-élevée, qui se nomme la Dent ou l'Aiguille de la Morele. Ces deux hautes cimes ont entr'elles une correspondance de hauteur, de forme, et même de matière tout-

The Lama takes his name from the Lamah, which is an object of profound veneration with his followers: "Cequi est remarquable," says M. Avril, "c'est que le grand prêtre des Tartares porte le nom de Lama, qui, en langue Tartare, désigne la Croix, et les Bogdoi qui conquirent la Chine en 1664, et qui sont soumis au Dulai-Lama dans les choses de la religion, ont toujours des croix sur eux, qu'ils appalent lamas."

Remarquable were the two men that represent the two Dukes of Normandy and Aquitane. The Bishops come next after Barons, which is the higher place; which makes me think that the next Parliament they will be called to the House of Lords. My Lord Monk rode bare after the King, and led in his hand a spare horse, as being Master of the Horse.

He asked Talleyrand in a whisper if he had ever heard anything like that before. But Talleyrand, who had listened to the oration and the toast with unmoved composure, was not to be thrown off his balance or drawn into any expression of opinion by an indiscreet question. He merely answered that it was certainly "bien remarquable."

In which it is impossible to relate the glory of this day, expressed in the clothes of them that rid, and their horses and horses' clothes; among others, my Lord Sandwich's embroidery and diamonds were ordinary among them. The Knights of the Bath was a brave sight of itself. Remarquable were the two men that represent the two Dukes of Normandy and Aquitane.