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McMahon, I am told, has insisted strongly upon it, and says that the Imperial presence is indispensable to relever the tone of the colony; but that is hardly reason enough for such a grosse affaire as absenting himself from Paris for six weeks; but if he wishes to create alarm and make people feel how much he and social order are bound up together, and that they want him more than he them, then the expedition has a motive, and may have a great success.

At the time of the Syrian quarrel, and when, apprehending some general rupture with England, the Pasha wished to raise the spirit of the fellahs, and relever la morale nationale, he actually made one of the astonished Arabs a colonel. He degraded him three days after peace was concluded. The young Egyptian colonel, who told me this, laughed and enjoyed the joke with the utmost gusto.

«Mais derrière ces plans, on voit les couches arquées, qui sont horizontales dans le bas, servir de base au rocher, se relever ensuite sur la droite, et venir en tournant former le faite de ce même rocher

In this council the "chief matron" of the family, a noble dame whose position and right were well defined, had the deciding voice. Des que l'arbre est tombe, il fault, disent ils, le relever. Elle n'a pas toujours egard au droit d'ainesse, et d'ordinaire, elle prend celui qui paroit le plus propre a soutenir ce rang par ses bonnes qualites."