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"'What th' dickens he commences, when one o' th' men on th' floor, seein' th' gun in his hand, an' not recognizin' him, shouted, 'They're comin' t' finish us, an' grabs th' mate round th' legs wi' th' grip of a boa constrictor. "Th' mate, sure it was mutiny, lets off his gun permiscuous.

If I could I'd looked the other way, so's to give her a chance to duck recognizin' me; but I couldn't do anything but stare back. And the next thing I knew she's comin' straight for me. "Why, Torchy!" says she, sort of purry and confidential. "You!" And blamed if she wa'n't holdin' out both hands. Well, say, you can't imagine what a diff'rence that makes to me.

"Ah, little pretender!" exclaimed the Father, fondly, and with something like a note of pity. "But, oh, the idea o' me not recognizin' a train! And especially the Twentieth Century Limited when I look her right in the headlight!" "We been t' the Ad'rondacks," informed Johnnie, "and we got a load o' ice." "Ah, and that's treasure, truly," agreed the Father, "on this scorchin' day!

There's been some shootin' back an' forth an' there's liable to be a whole lot more. The Lazy S M that's the Snaith-McRobert brand claims the whole Pecos country by priority. The old man ain't recognizin' any such fool title. He's got more 'n thirty thousand head of cattle there an' he'll fight for the grass if he has to.

"You see, Saxon, we can't pull it off there, because there's Tom Scanlon you know, the red-headed cop only a couple of blocks away an' pipin' us off though not recognizin' us. So away we go, the three of us, Bud an' me leadin' that boob to take our jobs away from us I guess nit. We turn into the alley back of Campwell's grocery. Nobody in sight. Bud stops short, and the rube an' me stop.

Considerin' that I hadn't ever laid eyes on Steve and that I hadn't seen you since you was a baby, the chances was against my recognizin' you if we did meet. Ho, ho, ho! Finally I hinted that I might look in the directory, and she got more reconciled to my startin'. Honest, I do believe she'd have insisted on takin' me by the hand and leadin' me to you, if I hadn't told her that.

But before I told him who I was, I was goin' to feel him out, an' find out what he thought of me. Then I got your letter, tellin' me he was dead, an' so there wasn't any more use of tryin' to fool him." "But that name, 'Sanderson? That isn't your name, Will!" "It was," he grinned. "When I left home I didn't want anybody to be runnin' into me an' recognizin' me, so I changed it to Sanderson.

Or probably two they mostly travels in pairs sets, as you might say." "You'd know one the minute you saw him, though," said Bill. "They're smaller than a regular skunk and spotted where the other kind is striped. And they got little red eyes. You won't have no trouble at all recognizin' one." It was at this juncture that we both got up and moved back by the stove.

Had he glanced at the halftone without recognizin' her? Or was he just keepin' mum? Not until I gets a chance to explore the waste basket did I get any line. The folder wa'n't there. Neither was it on his desk. And all the hints I threw out durin' the day he don't seem to notice at all. So I didn't have much to tell Vee over the 'phone that night. "Couldn't get a rise out of him at all," says I.

McKee recognized the Sheriff. "Hullo! when did you git back?" he asked. "Jes' now. Is this your money?" said Slim, holding the roll in front of McKee's eyes. "No; it's your'n. Part o' what I took from 'Ole Man' Terrill. The idee o' not recognizin' your own property!" McKee grinned at his joke on the Sheriff. "I held the old man up, and that's all there is to it." "Who was with you?" asked Slim.