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She entered the cabin and stood beside a table upon which burned a candle. A man stood beside the table also a reckless-eyed man, holding a heavy revolver. Another man stood there, too a man of God. While Sheila watched the man's lips opened; she could hear the words that came through them she would never forget them: "To have and to hold from this day forth ... till death do you part...."

Our captive sat in the cabin opposite to the iron box which he had done so much and waited so long to gain. He was a sunburned, reckless-eyed fellow, with a net-work of lines and wrinkles all over his mahogany features, which told of a hard, open-air life. There was a singular prominence about his bearded chin which marked a man who was not to be easily turned from his purpose.

Fronting Drennen, at his flat-topped desk, sat old Marshall Sothern, the muscles of his face tense, his eyes grim with the purpose in them. A second man, small, square, strong-faced, a little reckless-eyed, sat close to Sothern.

And he never appeared to be perfectly sober, even when he was. Graylock received them in his office a big, reckless-eyed, handsome man, with Broad Street written all over him and "danger" etched in every deepened line of his face. "Well, how about that business of mine?" he inquired. "It's all right to keep me waiting, of course, while you and Quair here match for highballs at the Ritz."

From the front windows of the Wolf Saloon, Slade, the violent-mannered rider whom Blondy Antrim had left in charge of his men the night he had ridden away from the desert camp fire to hold a conference with Lawler near the trail herd, had watched Sheriff Moreton lope his horse into the soft southern twilight. Slade was a young man, tall, swarthy, reckless-eyed.

Five minutes later she was asleep. Sheila had been dreaming of a world in which there was nothing but rain and mud and clouds and reckless-eyed individuals who conversed in irritating drawls when a sharp crash of thunder awakened her. During her sleep she had turned her face to the wall, and when her eyes opened the first thing that her gaze rested on was the small window above her head.