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In the courts of the Almighty, for this frail being thy sacred spirit intercedeth, and in this darksome world, the sweet memory of thee is the succourer and friend of this lowly one. Thy comely face is etched for ever on the tablet of my grieving soul, those smiles that refreshed my life are forever and safely imprinted in the innermost recesses of my stricken heart.

On the surface of this ancient plain, Tertiary erosion etched out the beautifully regular pattern of the Allegheny mountain ridges and their intervening valleys.

Pantaloons being articles in particular request among them, he who could not obtain a pair, comforted himself by having the representation of them etched on his legs. Many of these are still to be seen.

And he never appeared to be perfectly sober, even when he was. Graylock received them in his office a big, reckless-eyed, handsome man, with Broad Street written all over him and "danger" etched in every deepened line of his face. "Well, how about that business of mine?" he inquired. "It's all right to keep me waiting, of course, while you and Quair here match for highballs at the Ritz."

A fix point ... For some reason Shann thought of the ledge on which he had lain to watch the first Throg attack. And the picture of it was etched on his mind as clearly as memory could paint it. "Thorvald " Again his voice and his mind call were echoes of each other. But this time he had no answer.

The lines that had been subjected to the second biting were deeper than those that had been bitten only once. The number of plates etched by Rembrandt was great, at least two hundred; some say four hundred.

Matthews' features were etched in grave lines. The big, blond young giant looked rather grim. Jimmy looked on in surprise at this scene, which he could not understand. Professor Brierly dissented impatiently. "Nonsense, John. What need is there for you to go?" Matthews answered quietly: "Sorry to disagree with you, Professor, but I'm going along."

Above the horizon a shimmering halo marked the cluster of cities and towns. In the immediate foreground the great elm was leafless now, but for that reason more clearly etched against the starlight line on line, curve on curve, sweeping, drooping, interlaced. Guion stood with head up and figure erect, as if from strength given back to him.

As the world slipped away from him, a soft shoulder caught his head, and out of a vast distance there came to him the wailing cry: "He is dying! my love! my love!" Peril and horror had brought to Elise's breast the one being in the world for her, the face which was etched like a picture upon her eyes and heart. Parpon groaned with a strange horror as he dragged the body from Valmond.

A long plume of smoke trailed across the cloudless sky, the water glistened with silvery radiance, and, looking over the wide expanse, he could see dark trees etched faintly on the blue horizon. Ahead the lights of Three Rivers twinkled among square, black blocks of houses and tall sawmill stacks.