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"Yes, I do," said Fly, quickly; "my eyes'll open out; but that's no matter, 'cause I don't want to go to sleep; I'd ravver not." They went up stairs, into a beautiful room, which aunt Madge had arranged for them with two beds, to suit a whim of Dotty's. "Now isn't this just splendid?" said Miss Dimple; "the carpet so soft your boots go in like feathers; and then such pictures!

Have your eyes put out, and lots of candy to eat, or, your eyes all good, and not a speck of candy as long as you live?" "I'd ravver have the candy 'thout blind-eyed?" "But supposing you couldn't have but one?" Fly reflected seriously for half a minute, and then answered, "I'd ravver have the candy with blind-eyed!" "There, girls, what did I tell you?"

"No; I'm my own ''spressman. You've got some things to learn, Reg, before you grow up." "I'd ravver learn 'em now. Tell me 'em! Tell what you do then." The old mocking light was back in Uncle Larry's eyes. This small chap with the earnest little face was good as a play. "'Then'? Then, sure, I go to the door and ring the bell. Then I kneel on one knee like this, and hold out the box "

"I wish you were my brother, and I would see if this couldn't be stopped," Phebe had said, in the fulness of her wrath. Mac surveyed her blandly. "But I don't want you for a brovver. You're nofing but a girl, and if I had a little brovver, I'd ravver have a he-brovver," he returned dispassionately. "All the same, I'd make you mind me," she said vengefully, as she gave the broom a final flirt.

He nestled his cheek against Her sleeve and rubbed it back and forth, back and forth, while he thought. A mother then there would be no more loneliness. Then there would be a place to cuddle in, and somebody to tell things to. "I'd ravver a mother," the Little Lover said. The Child The Child had it all reasoned out in her own way.

"I'd ravver stay here," said Rosy Posy, nestling contentedly on her perch. "'Sides, I must be here for Kismus to-morrow." "Oh, is Christmas to-morrow? How could I have forgotten that?" "You didn't forget it, Uncle Steve," said Kitty, "for I see bundles sticking out of every one of your pockets!" "Bless my soul! How odd! Santa Claus must have tucked them in, as I came through his street.

And before she could stop him, he had pounced upon it and pulled it out, upsetting a superstratum of gowns in the process. "Mac, let that be." "But I want it, mamma. I want to wear it. I look just too sweet in it." "Mac!" "Well, vat's what Lizabuf said. Will Lizabuf go too?" "No." "Who will take care of me, and put me into my coatsleeves ven?" "I shall." "I'd ravver have Lizabuf.

"That is a fine text." "She made it up all her own self," said Zaidee, quite as proud of her twin's performance as if it had been her own. "I don't want to play Sunday school any more, Zaidee," said Kenneth, getting up. "I'd ravver play turch.