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One night Billy did not get home till after twelve. Saxon's anxiety was increased by the fact that police fighting and head breaking had been reported to have occurred. When Billy came, his appearance verified the report. His coatsleeves were half torn off. The Windsor tie had disappeared from under his soft turned-down collar, and every button had been ripped off the front of the shirt.

Standing back in the corner behind the door, facing Tom's bigness and his inexorable strength, Mary Hope put on her Indian tanned, beaded buckskin gloves that were in the pockets of her coat. Tom waited until she had tucked the coatsleeves inside the gauntlets.

But I must say that in the matter of outer habiliments the American man wins the decision on points nearly every whack. In his evening garb, which generally fits him, but which generally is not pressed as to trouserlegs and coatsleeves, the Englishman makes anexceedingly good appearance.

And before she could stop him, he had pounced upon it and pulled it out, upsetting a superstratum of gowns in the process. "Mac, let that be." "But I want it, mamma. I want to wear it. I look just too sweet in it." "Mac!" "Well, vat's what Lizabuf said. Will Lizabuf go too?" "No." "Who will take care of me, and put me into my coatsleeves ven?" "I shall." "I'd ravver have Lizabuf.

Harley pulled up his coatsleeves very high to give force to his words. Lighting a cigar, which he set between his teeth so that it projected outward and upward at an angle of defiance, Mr. Harley got into his hat and greatcoat, and made for the door.