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Once again these houris asked each other, "Mais qu'est-ce qu'il a! Ce bel Hector? se cache-t-il?" Before she went to bed in her hotel in the Rue de Rivoli, Monica Ellerwood wrote to her aunt. "PARIS, May 15th. "MY DEAR AUNT MILLY, We have had a delicious little week, Jack and I, quite like an old honeymoon pair and to-day we ran across Hector, who has remained hidden until now.

Fabrice était tellement troublé, qu'il répondit en Italien: l'ho comprato poco fa. (Je viens de l'acheter

"A quand donc le jour des noces, ma bien-aimee?" And Mdlle. Reuter answered "Mais, Francois, tu sais bien qu'il me serait impossible de me marier avant les vacances." "June, July, August, a whole quarter!" exclaimed the director. "How can I wait so long? I who am ready, even now, to expire at your feet with impatience!"

Congreve had a certain soundness of mind; of capacity, in the sense intended by Landor, he had little. Judging him by his wit, he performed some happy thrusts, and taking it for genuine, it is a surface wit, neither rising from a depth nor flowing from a spring. 'On voit qu'il se travaille a dire de bons mots.

This was really worse than St. Sebastian's. It reminds one of a French gayety in Thiebault or some such author, who describes a rustic party, under equal despair, as employing themselves in conjugating the verb s'ennuyer, Je m'ennuie, tu t'ennuies, il s'ennuit; nous nous ennuyons, &c.; thence to the imperfect Je m'ennuyois, tu t'ennuyois, &c.; thence to the imperative Qu'il s'ennuye, &c.; and so on through the whole melancholy conjugation.

It has not only a desire, but a passion, for every spark of genius that shows itself among us; there is not a bull-calf in our national pasture that can bleat a rhyme but it is ten to one, among his friends, and no takers, that he is the real, genuine, no- mistake Osiris. Qu'est ce qu'il a fait? What has he done? That was Napoleon's test. What have you done?

«(Page 35.) Malgré la chaleur qu'il avoit fait le jour de l'arrivée au Saint-Bernard, la nuit fut froide; le lendemain (31 Juillet) le haut de la montagne étoit enveloppé de nuages épais, mais tranquilles, il n'y avoit point d'agitation dans l'air on assuroit qu'il faisoit beau au-dessous de ce sommet; nous fûmes visiter le revers meridional de la montagne qui conduit au val d'Aost; après une demie heure de marche, nous fumes hors de cet atmosphère sombre et humide, le soleil étoit chaud, le ciel pur et serein: on voyoit dans le lointain les sommets des plus hautes montagnes enveloppés dans les nuages comme le Saint-Bernard: les sommets les plus

"'Les bourgeois a la lanterne, nom de dieu! It's from a song," said Rosaline. "Oh, qu'il est malin, ce Coco!" Rosaline was standing with her arms folded beside the bunk. The parrot stretched out his neck and rubbed it against her cheek, closing and unclosing his gem-like eyes. The girl formed her lips into a kiss, and murmured in a drowsy voice: "Tu m'aimes, Coco, n'est-ce pas, Coco? Bon Coco."

The Duc de Noailles, brother-in-law of the countess, "l'homme de France qui a peut-être le plus d'esprit et qui connait le mieux son souverain et la cour," told Mercy in August that "jugeant d'après son expérience et d'après les qualités qu'il voyait dans cette princesse, il était persuadé qu'elle gouvernerait un jour l'esprit du roi." ARNETH, i., p. 34. La petite rousse.

We stopped at every station and very often in between. When this occurred, heads appeared at every window to find out the reason. "Qu' est ce qu'il y'a?" everyone cried at once. It was invariably either that a troop train was passing up the line and we must wait for it to go by, or else part of the engine had fallen off.