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As he uttered these words, Lin Tai-yue burst out laughing with a sound of "pu ch'ih," and rubbing her eyes, she sneeringly remarked: "I too can come out with this same tune; but will you now still go on talking nonsense? "Go on, go on!" Pao-yue smiled after this remark; "and what you've said, I too will go and tell!"

Finally, when they were about ten feet from where I stood concealed behind one of the massive palms, the man raised his head from the page and, looking earnestly into the woman's eyes, exclaimed in a skeptical tone: 'Il n'aurait jamais cru le fait si ces messieurs n'avaient pu lui jurer L'avoir vu!... Tout ce que j'ai prédit!... Les faux nobles, les plagiaires! which means in English, "He couldn't have believed the thing unless these gentlemen had sworn they witnessed it!... All that I predicted!... The sham nobles!... the stealing authors!"

Whereupon the Son of Heaven sent his officers to Pu with a noble gift, and summoned him unto his presence. So the humble artisan entered before the Emperor, and having performed the supreme prostration, thrice kneeling, and thrice nine times touching the ground with his forehead, awaited the command of the August.

The older, or spheroidal olla, was known as the k‘iáp ton ne, from k‘ia pu, to place or carry water in, and tóm me; while the newer olla is called k‘iá wih na k‘ia èle, from k‘iá wih na ki‘a na ki‘a, for bringing of water: , earthen-ware, and ë´ le or ë´l lai e, to stand or standing.

Un de ses disciples lui demanda de lui en expliquer la raison, et sur sa priere le glorieux-accompli lui dit: " 'Fils d'illustre origine! dans le pays qu'aucun Bouddha des trois ages n'a pu convertir, et qui est rempli d'une foule d'etres malfaisans, la loi se levera comme le soleil et s'y repandra dans les temps futurs.

Ay, but as I was sayin', Marget's sae grand noo 'at she has a bell in the house. As I understan', there's a rope in the wast room, an' when ye pu' it a bell rings in the east room. Weel, when Marget has company at their tea in the wast room, an' they need mair watter or scones or onything, she rises an' rings the bell.

Good day, Mr. Mare!" He followed and addressed his men from the steps of the City Hall. "Gentermen, we pu' down nigger rule on the tenth, the nex' move mus' be ter let ther 'ristocrats know thet the one gullus boys air indowed by God wi' ther same rites as they air. We po' uns'll have er show, er break up the whole thing. Go home, boys, and be ready to rally when ther order's giv'!" Rev.

It is one to which all the unhappy are prone. 'Au milieu de mes etudes et d'une vie innocente autant qu'on la puisse mener, et malgre tout ce qu'on m'avoit pu dire, la peur de l'Enfer m'agitoit encore. Souvent je me demandois En quel etat suis-je? Si je mourrois a l'instant meme, serois-je damne?

But our folk were at great pains lang syne to big up the passage in some parts, and pu' it down in others, for fear o' some uncanny body getting into it, and finding their way down to the cove: it wad hae been a fashious job that by my certie, some o' our necks wad hae been ewking." They now came to a place where the gallery was enlarged into a small circle, sufficient to contain a stone seat.

Ua-huna, piling up to a truncated summit, appeared the first upon the starboard bow; almost abeam arose our destination, Nuka-hiva, whelmed in cloud; and betwixt and to the southward, the first rays of the sun displayed the needles of Ua- pu.