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Good day, Mr. Mare!" He followed and addressed his men from the steps of the City Hall. "Gentermen, we pu' down nigger rule on the tenth, the nex' move mus' be ter let ther 'ristocrats know thet the one gullus boys air indowed by God wi' ther same rites as they air. We po' uns'll have er show, er break up the whole thing. Go home, boys, and be ready to rally when ther order's giv'!" Rev.

This church was either newlie built, or greatlie inlarged by king Edward surnamed the Confessor, and after that, the third Henrie king of England did make there a beautifull monasterie, and verie richlie indowed the same with great possessions and sumptuous iewels.

But this was no ordhinary wolf. As he heerd th' low cry iv' his mate he was indowed with th' strength iv a thousand piany movers. With a gesture iv impatience he shed his coat, f'r it was Spring, childher, an' he shud've been more careful; he shed his coat, swiftly climbed th' tree an' boldly advanced on th' foe. His inimy give th' low growl iv his hated thribe.

"We air, Sur," sed the feroshus woman "we belong to a Society whitch beleeves wimin has rites whitch beleeves in razin her to her proper speer whitch beleeves she is indowed with as much intelleck as man is whitch beleeves she is trampled on and aboozed & who will resist henso4th & forever the incroachments of proud & domineering men."

He also builded a church on the place where saint Edmund was buried, and ordeined an house of moonks there, or rather remooued the canons or secular priests that were there afore, and put moonks in their roomes. He adorned the church there with manie rich iewels, and indowed the monasterie with great possessions.