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Only a quarter gave any retrospective account of these fancies, so we presume that their psychotic experiences were repressed with recovery. The usual form in which the idea appears is as a delusion of going to die or, literally, of being dead. It may appear as being in Heaven or Hell.

"That is a schizoid tendency; the flight from reality into a dream-world peopled by creatures of the imagination. You understand, there is usually a mixture of psychotic conditions, in cases like this. We will say that this case begins with simple senile dementia physical brain degeneration, a result of advanced age.

So naturally, I made my family home into a hospital for psychotic individuals. I started out with one resident patient at a time, using no psychiatric drugs. I had very good results and learned a tremendous amount with each client, because each one was different and each was my first of each type.

And they comprise the most powerful of the external effectors of education, for better, for worse. An unresolved discord, a continued conflict among the parts of the vegetative system, in spite of such education, is the foundation of the unhappiness of the acute or chronic misfits and maladjusted, the neurotic and the psychotic.

Both are forms of the manic reaction. We consequently regard stupor and partial stupor as different degrees of the same psychotic process which we term the stupor reaction. To understand it the symptoms should be separately analyzed and then correlated. The most fundamental characteristic of the stupor symptoms is the change in affect which can be summed up in one word apathy.

In the first place one naturally considers the differentiation from conditions of organic stupor or coma. Since psychotic stupors never develop without some signs of mental abnormality, the history is usually a sufficient basis for final judgment.

In Schreber a profound psychotic reaction corresponded to crude formulations of his fancies, whereas, when he built these ideas into constructive speculations, he became relatively sane and an efficient citizen.

Moreover, by choosing for analysis a case which was neither dementia praecox nor paranoia but a combination of the two, he reaches conclusions which are valuable additions to our knowledge of psychotic processes but merely confuse the issue as to the specific mechanisms of paranoia and dementia praecox.

I suppose you'll think that's a delusional belief, too?" "Well...." Doctor Vehrner pursed his lips. "I reject the idea of survival after death, myself, but I think that people who believe in such a theory are merely misevaluating evidence. It is definitely not, in itself, a symptom of a psychotic condition." "Thank you, Doctor." The Colonel gestured with his cigar.

We believe that the mental symptoms summarized above constitute a specific psychotic type of reaction capable of appearing in any severity from mere lethargy and indifference to profound stupor. Since the prognosis is good, we feel obliged to classify this with the manic-depressive reactions.