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The prognosis was most unfavourable. For Mr. Parer shrewdly argued that a rival of the late Don Pomponio would look askance at those whom His Excellency had exalted at himself, for instance. And what then?

In the meanwhile, cases are to be handled as though tibial fracture certainly existed. Prognosis. Prediction of the outcome in tibial fracture is somewhat presumptuous, but in the majority of cases in mature subjects fatality results. Cadiot , however, views this condition with more optimism than have American practitioners.

This sort had a poor prognosis. A very similar situation exists with physical illnesses. Many people get sick only because they lack information about how to keep themselves healthy and about what made them sick. Once they find out the truth, they take my medicine without complaint and almost inevitably get better very rapidly.

It might be that the doctor was wrong in his prognosis of her case; or it might be that the injured nerve, as he had said was possible, had resumed its function, through the curative power of nature. But it was a great delight to us all, and especially to the poor girl herself, to think that her grand voice might yet be restored to her. "To-day I went out again. "I thought that Mr.

Capacity for regeneration is naturally greater in a vigorous, young animal than in aged or even middle-aged subjects. A healthy condition of the bone and the body favor the process of repair in case of fracture, and prognosis may be favorable or unfavorable, depending upon these factors mentioned for consideration.

Patients with this trouble and with hypertension, and without nephritis, probably have an increased secretion from the suprarenals. We may sum up the prognosis in hypertension as follows: Hypertension alone is not of unfavorable omen; if it is not readily reduced by ordinary means, it is more serious. If associated with kidney, heart or liver defect, it is most serious.

Taking, then, the three classes of men in the throes of the disease of love, we have the following symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis. First. The average lover. Temperature remains normal, with slight rise in the evenings. Continues to attend to business. Feeling of uneasiness if called by endearing names over office 'phone. Regular diet, but smokes rather too much.

Hopefulness in the physician was almost as necessary as in the patient contact with such faith had been known to work miracles. Justine listened in silence, wishing that she too could hope. But whichever way the prognosis pointed, she felt only a dull despair. She believed no more than Dr.

Our observations far from being extensive have so far demonstrated this that we feel justified in offering the hypothesis that when such delusions are present one can base a mild prognosis on their presence with a rather specific relationship between the crudity of construction and the degree of deterioration.

He then went on to describe the illness of Mme Rabot. He and his confreres had attributed her sickness to the fact that she was enceinte, and to the effect of her child's death upon her while in that condition. A miscarriage of a distressing nature confirmed the first prognosis. But later he and his confreres saw reason to change their minds.