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In this letter prayers are besought for the founder and the Countess Anne his wife, whilst attached to it is a seal with the arms of Neville, Montacute, Despencer, and Beauchamp. On the font in the church is a roughly chiselled name: "ANTHONY SEDLEY. 1649. Prisner." Not only prisoners, but even their horses, were shut up in these grand old churches during the Civil Wars.

When they reached the door, they found it was a piece of paper, and on taking this into the house discovered it was a rudely scrawled note, signed by Abe Boggs and six of his Tory neighbors. The note read as follows: "To Mrs. Dare and rebel sons, Dick and Tom: "We hev took Henry Dare prisner.

And such is lo my chance, The meane time to abide; A prisner for ransome in France, Till God send time and tide. From whence this idle rime To England I do send: And thus, till I have further time, This tragedie I end. A Voyage to Guinea, in 1564:, by Captain David Carlet .

Lady Maria's letter ran as follows: "MY DEAR COUSIN I am fell into a trapp, which I perceive the machinations of villians. I am a prisner. Betty will tell you all. Ah, my Henrico! come to the resque of your MOLLY." In half an hour after the receipt of this missive, Mr. Warrington was in his postchaise and galloping over Westminster Bridge on the road to succour his kinswoman.

At length, when we had abandoned all hopes of relief, a French ship arrived on the coast, which took us on board and carried us to France, which was then at war with England, where we were detained prisoners. A prisner therefore I remaine, And hence I cannot slip Till that my ransome be Agreed upon and paid: Which being levied yet so hie, No agreement can be made.

Alfred Wentworth," the negro answered. "Where is your master now?" he enquired, continuing his questions. "Massa is a prisner in de Yankee army," she replied. "And what made you leave New Orleans?" was the next question. "My missis was turned away from de city, and I runaway from dem Yankees and come here to look for her." "Have you not been able to find your mistress?" asked Dr. Humphries.

Aunty lisbath cent me to bed just after tea bekors she said I'm norty, and when she'd gone Nurse locked me in so i can't get out and I'm tired of being a prisner, so please i want you to get the ladda and let me eskape, please unkel dick, will you. yours till deth, REGINALD AUGUSTUS. Auntie was reading Ivanhoe to us and I've been the Black Knight and you can be Gurth the swine-herd if you like.

That brootle Fitzwarren, my ex-vally, womb I met, fimilliarly slapt me on the sholder, and said, 'Jeames, my boy, you'd best go into suvvis aginn. "I DID go into suvvis the wust of all suvvices I went into the Queen's Bench Prison, and lay there a misrabble captif for 6 mortial weeks. Misrabble shall I say? no, not misrabble altogether; there was sunlike in the dunjing of the pore prisner.

With which lucid explanation Ben handed me the crumpled note. Spreading it out upon the windowsill, I managed to make out as follows: DEAR UNKEL DICK: I'm riting this with my hart's blood bekors I'm a prisner in a gloomie dungun. It isn't really my hart's blood it's only red ink, so don't worry.