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Trapp would smoke his pipe and watch and assure me that mine were the "growing-pains" natural to sweeps, and Mrs. "It being well known that my birthday is the 15th of the month and its rightful motto in Proverbs thirty-one, 'She riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maidens'; and me never able to hire a gel at eight pounds a year even!"

Field was quickly missed, and suspicion immediately set upon long Bill Trapp. More people knew of the little drama they and one more had been playing than either had any idea of. A boy from the Ti House had passed Field up near the old battle-ground, and coming back from the village soon after had followed Trapp and seen him turn up toward the old fort.

Miss Belcher turned to me. "Have you any friends, boy, who will be worrying if we keep you a few days?" "None, ma'am," said I, and thereby in my haste did much injustice to the excellent Mr. and Mrs. Trapp. "Eh? You have the world before you? Then maybe you're luckier than you think, my lad. What would you like to be? A sailor, now?

As soon, however, as he received this appointment, his manners began to change. He acted as though he were already master, brought disorder and ill-feeling into the monastery, and sorely grieved M. de La Trapp; who, however, looked upon this affliction as the work of Heaven, and meekly resigned him self to it.

"I can remember that, sir," said I. He eyed me in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. "Yes; you will remember," he said, as if somehow he had satisfied himself. Yet his eyes continued to search me. "You have not swept my chimneys before?" "I have been working for Mr. Trapp almost three years," said I demurely. "Yes, I have seen your face.

So done, they went on their cours, and came backe againe att 10 of the clocke with 3 bears, a castor, and the stagge which was slaine att our sight. How did wee rejoice to see that killed which would make the kettle boyle. After we have eaten, wee slept. The next day we made trappes for to trapp castors, whilst we weare bussie, one about one thing, one about another.

Miss Plinlimmon smiled at me and blushed faintly as she uttered the name. "Harry, shake hands with Mr. Trapp. He has come expressly to make your acquaintance." Somehow I gathered that this politeness took Mr. Trapp aback; but he held out his hand. It was astonishingly black. "Pray be seated, Mr. Trapp." "The furniture, ma'am!" "Ah, to be sure!" Mr.

While I wondered what might be the season for chimney-sweeps, a small bead-eyed woman emerged from the doorway and shook a duster vigorously: in the which act catching sight of us, she paused. "I've a-got en, my dear," said Mr. Trapp much as a man might announce the capture of a fish: and though he did not actually lift me for inspection his hand seemed to waver over my collar. But it was Mrs.

Trapp, who, after a fleeting glance at me, caught her husband by the collar. "And you actilly went in that state, you nasty keerless hulks! O, you heart-breaker!" Mr. Trapp in custody managed to send me a sidelong, humorous grin. "My dear, I thought 'twould be a surprise for you business taking me that way, and the magistrates being used to worse." "You heart-breaker!" repeated Mrs. Trapp.

Lady Maria's letter ran as follows: "MY DEAR COUSIN I am fell into a trapp, which I perceive the machinations of villians. I am a prisner. Betty will tell you all. Ah, my Henrico! come to the resque of your MOLLY." In half an hour after the receipt of this missive, Mr. Warrington was in his postchaise and galloping over Westminster Bridge on the road to succour his kinswoman.