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But it's only these revenue laws I mean; for I never, to my knowledge, broke another commandment: but it's what no honest poor man among his neighbours would scruple to take a glass of potsheen." "A glass of what, in the name of Heaven?" said Lord Colambre.

But it's only these revenue laws I mean; for I never, to my knowledge, broke another commandment; but it's what no honest poor man among his neighbours would scruple to take a glass of POTSHEEN. 'A glass of what, in the name of Heaven? said Lord Colambre.

"Potsheen, plase your honour; beca-ase it's the little whiskey that's made in the private still or pot; and sheen, because it's a fond word for whatsoever we'd like, and for what we have little of, and would make much of: after taking the glass of it, no man could go and inform to ruin the cratures; for they all shelter on that estate under favour of them that go shares, and make rent of 'em but I'd never inform again' 'em.

'Why! was not I PRISINT in the court-house myself, when the JIDGE on the bench judging a still, and across the court came in one with a sly jug of POTSHEEN for the JIDGE himself, who prefarred it, when the right thing, to claret; and when I SEEN that, by the laws! a man might talk himself dumb to me after again' potsheen, or in favour of the revenue, or revenue-officers.

POTSHEEN, plase your honour; becaase it's the little whisky that's made in the private still or pot; and SHEEN, becaase it's a fond word for whatsoever we'd like, and for what we have little of, and would make much of: after taking the glass of it, no man could go and inform to ruin the CRATURES, for they all shelter on that estate under favour of them that go shares, and make rent of 'em but I'd never inform again' 'em.

"Why! was not I prisint in the court-house myself, when the jidge was on the bench judging a still, and across the court came in one with a sly jug of potsheen for the jidge himself, who prefarred it, when the right thing, to claret; and when I seen that, by the laws! a man might talk himself dumb to me after again' potsheen, or in favour of the revenue, or revenue officers.