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His idea of the teaching power of poetry, for to him poetry and painting both behold pleasure and profit as their common object, is rhetorical depending on precept and example and attaining its true aim when it moves men to action. Poesy is "a dulcet and gentle Philosophy, which leades on and guides us by the hand to Action with a ravishing delight and incredible Sweetnes."

I remember his rendering to this day ... "No, Queen Bee, it is no use rummaging those bookshelves. Nikhil has ceased to read poetry since his marriage perhaps he has no further need for it. But I suppose 'the fever fit of poesy', as the Sanskrit has it, is about to attack me again." "I have come to give you a warning, Sandip," said my husband. "About the fever fit of poesy?"

From Walpole's private printing-press at Strawberry Hill Gray's two "sister odes," the Bard, and the Progress of Poesy, were first issued in 1757. Both Gray and Walpole were good correspondents, and their printed letters are among the most delightful literature of the kind. Boswell was a Scotch laird and advocate, who first met Johnson in London, when the latter was fifty-four years old.

Shakespeare says: Our poesy is as a gum, which oozes From whence 'tis nourished... our gentle flame Provokes itself, and, like the current, flies Each bound it chafes. I shall conclude this general account with some remarks on four of the principal works of poetry in the world, at different periods of history Homer, the Bible, Dante, and, let me add, Ossian.

When it was the One Hundred and Eighty-second Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Ifrit Dahnash heard the poesy which Maymunah spake in praise of her beloved, he shook for exceeding joy and said, "Thou hast celebrated thy beloved in song and thou hast indeed done well in praise of him whom thou lovest!

Such music as hers recalled and revealed the earliest splendour of the days when Poesy was newly born, when gods and goddesses were believed to walk the world in large and majestic freedom, and when brave deeds of chivalry and self-sacrifice became exalted by the very plenitude of rich imagination, into supernatural facts of heaven conquering, hell-charming prowess.

Speak to me in poesy let me hear that and you will subdue me, I believe, to any faith that you teach. For I can not but believe the faith that is endowed with the faculty of poetic utterance." "In truth it is a divine utterance perhaps the only divine utterance. Would I had it for your sake." "Oh! you must have it. I fancy I see it in some things that you have said.

These two poems have the freedom and frolic, the natural grace of movement, the improvisation, of the best Elizabethan examples, while both thoughts and words are under a strict economy unknown to the diffuse exuberance of the Spenserians. In Lycidas we have reached the high-water mark of English Poesy and of Milton's own production.

Still was her presence to my heart as a breathing atmosphere of poesy which circled and tinted all human things; still was my being filled with that delicious and vague melancholy which the very excess of rapture alone produces, the knowledge we dare not breathe to ourselves that the treasure in which our heart is stored is not above the casualties of fate.

Clement Marot was the king of poesy and set the fashion of wit in his time; Marguerite had a generous and a lively sympathy with wit, talent, success, renown; the princess and the poet were mutually pleased with and flattered one another; and the liberties allowed to sympathy and flattery were great at that time, but far less significant than they would be in our day.