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It must have become evident to her that her cause was lost; that M'tela's friendship had been gained for the English. If she had cared for him the least in the world would not she have hastened to produce the pilocarpin for his relief? What could she hope to gain by concealing it?

Between December 16, 1880, and February 22, 1881, the patient had 22 sweats from pilocarpin. The action usually lasted from two to six hours, and quite a large dose was at length necessary. The idiosyncrasy noted was found in the hair, which at first was quite light, afterward chestnut-brown, and May 1, 1881, almost pure black.

True enthusiasm, without pose or self- consciousness, invariably arouses interest. "Now here's something you'll never see in another safari kit," said he, holding up one of the square bottles filled with small white crystals, "and that wouldn't be found in this one except for an accident. It's pilocarpin." "What is pilocarpin?" she asked, making a difficulty of the word.

Personally, it has always seemed to me that the salicylate of eserin is preferable to the sulphate, but I have not persuaded myself that the nitrate of pilocarpin possesses material advantages over the hydrochlorid, although some authors prefer it.

"No why should you wait " He thought for some moments. When he raised his face it was gray. "One of the bottles was broken. I had reason to believe it the pilocarpin," he said quietly. "Can I trespass on your good nature to make the proper solution for my eyes?" "It is but a temporary expedient," warned Winkleman. "It is surgery here demanded. I know the operation, but I cannot perform.

She really thought that she had destroyed the pilocarpin; she had not deliberately held from him the light of day! His high spirits expressed themselves in an animation and volubility so unlike the taciturn Culbertson that many of his acquaintances stared. "Seems quite bucked up," commented one to another. "Must have had a deuce of a time back here."

What real reason besides his hopes had he for thinking she did not still hate him, or at least remain indifferent to him? So indifferent that even after her chance had passed she still neglected to inform him that the pilocarpin was not destroyed after all. Winkleman talked on and on about his saurian. Would he never stop and go away?

This rule should guide us, namely, to begin with a comparatively weak solution of the selected drug, for example, as Posey has advocated a tenth of a grain of salicylate of eserin to the ounce, and the strength gradually increased so that at the end of some months the patient is using a solution 1 grain to the ounce; or if the pilocarpin is preferred, solutions in double these strengths.

But when I was outfitting I could not get near enough phenacetin. I suppose you know that we use phenacetin to induce sweating as first treatment of fever." "I am not entirely ignorant. I can treat fevers, of course." "Well, I took all they could spare. Then McCloud suggested pilocarpin. Though it is really an eye drug, to be used externally, it also has an effect internally to induce sweating.

"It is really a sort of eye dope," he explained. "You know atropin the stuff an oculist uses in your eyes when he wants to examine them leaves your vision blurred for a day or so." "Yes, I know that." "The effect of atropin is to expand the pupil. Pilocarpin is just the opposite it contracts the pupil." "What need could you possibly have of that?" "There's the joke: I haven't.