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Are you not aware that this is washing day?" There was an instant change in my husband's countenance. He seemed bewildered for a few moments. "And, moreover," I continued, "are you not aware that I was to have a picked-up dinner at home, and that you were to dine at an eating house?" "I declare!" Mr. Smith struck his hands together, and turned around once upon his heel.

"Wal neow," said Captain Leezur seriously, "my experience has been, there ain't nothin' so onpleasant, when ye're eatin' picked-up codfish, 's to feel the rufe o' yer mouth all runnin' in afeoul along o' a mess o' bones.

Wa'al, the day after we got there I says to her while we was havin' breakfust it was picked-up el'phant on toast, near 's I c'n remember, wa'n't it, Polly?" "That's as near the truth as most o' the rest on't so fur," said Polly with a sniff. "Wa'al, I says to her," he proceeded, untouched by her scorn, "'How'd you like to go t' the theater?

Salons, soirees, theaters, concerts, lectures, libraries, produce a fine mediocrity that smiles at the right time and bows when 't is proper, but it is well to bear in mind that George Eliot, Elizabeth Barrett, Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen were all country girls, with little companionship, nourished on picked-up classics, having a healthy ignorance of what the world was saying and doing.

This residence of Bobsey's future pets should be at the extreme end of the extension, and above it should be a room in which I could store picked-up apples, corn, and other food adapted to their needs, also a conduit by which swill could be poured into the trough below without the necessity of entering the pen.

"Am I your son?" he blurted out. "Len and Whitey said I was a picked-up nobody! Am I? Am I not your son?" He held out his hands appealingly. A great and sudden change came over Mr. Carson. He seemed to grow older and more sorrowful. A sigh came from him. Gently he placed one arm over the youth's drooping shoulders. "Dave," he said gently.

It isn't so much of a secret as you think. If you don't believe me ask your father no, he ain't your father but ask the Old Man himself. Just ask him what your name is, and where you came from, and see what he says." Whitey was sneering now, and he chuckled as he looked at Len. Dave's face paled beneath his tan, and he did not answer. A nameless, picked-up nobody! How the words stung!

A picked-up foundling a swineherd's daughter to be ennobled by his, Pedro's, attendance, and for whose vulgar, clownish tricks, tricks of a swineherd's daughter, he, Pedro, was to be brought to book and insulted as if she were of Hidalgo blood! Ah, Caramba! Don Juan Peyton would find he could no more make a servant of him than he could make a lady of her!"

It is a question of gratifying this deep and primal instinct as against the weakness of his mentality and the few barriers that a meagre education and picked-up habits can furnish; and when the instinct overbalances he is lost. Incest, which is peculiarly the crime of the weak, the wretched and the poor, has a somewhat different origin.

Unless the public occasion appeals strongly to the sympathies or the passions, a picked-up sheriff's posse is not likely to have very good metal in it. Peter Biggin laughed. "Don't be no ways nervous," he said in an aside to Winton. "Them professional veniry chumps couldn't hit the side o' Pacific Peak."