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"Peuple, dont les forfaits jettent partout l'effroi, "Avec calme et plaisir J'abandonne la vie "Ce n'est que par la mort qu'on peut fuir l'infamie, "Qu'imprime sur nos fronts le sang de notre Roi." "Let no man be molested on my account: I had no accomplice in the fortunate death of the miscreant St. Fargeau.

But entreaties, piteous words, the exhibition of frightened children and wailing babes could not make a place in carriages already packed to bursting-point. It was impossible to get one more human being inside. "C'est impossible! C'est absolument impossible! Regardez! On ne peut pas faire plus de place, Madame!" I was tempted sometimes to yield up my place.

"A bas les alarmistes," is the reply. Every one is despondent. Soldiers have come back from Meudon demoralised. We have lost a position, it is whispered. I find a friend, upon whose testimony I can rely, who was near Meudon until twelve o'clock. He tells me that the troops of the line behaved badly. They threw away their muskets without firing a shot, and there was a regular sauve qui peut.

Surely enough, the Banion plan of crossing, after all, was carried out, and although the river dropped a foot meantime, the attempt to ford en masse was abandoned. Little by little the wagon parks gathered on the north bank, each family assorting its own goods and joining in the general sauve qui peut.

I don't think that in Boston there is any real sympathy with the artistic temperament; we tend to make everything a matter of right and wrong. And in Boston one can't live on ne peut pas vivre, as they say here. I don't mean one can't reside for a great many people manage that; but one can't live aesthetically I may almost venture to say, sensuously.

He paused to drink his tea; as he tasted one of the cakes his face lit with sudden animation and he gazed across the hall after the maid with the tray she was now holding it before the aged and ossified 'cellist of the Hempfstangle Quartette. "Des gâteaux" he murmured feelingly, "ou est-ce qu'elle peut trouver de tels gâteaux ici â New York?"

Tout le monde, carte blanche enbonpoint sauve que peut entre nous revenez nous a nous moutons!" The horrified sans-culottes shrink back in terror as the Gray Wolf seizes Maria by the hair and cuts her into twenty-nine pieces, each exactly the same size.

"This room is far from the bedroom of my dreams," I muttered, "but a la rigueur ca peut marcher." But pursuing my quest a little farther, I came upon a spacious bedroom with two windows looking out on the courtyard a room which would have satisfied the most imaginative lover, a room worthy of the adorable Doris, and I can say this as I look back fondly on her many various perfections.

Are you going to have the courage of your convictions which I think I can surmise, though you haven't as yet confided them to me or are you going to wear the slave-chains of your fellows, and distort, and misrepresent, and truckle and kow-tow to the policy of the most venal press in America?" "On fait ce qu'on peut," said Cavendish, with a shrug. "Orders are orders, John.

If Bulgaria was under the impression that our group was falling asunder she would have staked everything to try and save herself by a separate peace. In Constantinople, too, there was an Entente group. Talaat and Enver were as reliable as they were strong. But a journey undertaken by me to Switzerland in the conditions described might prove to be the alarm signal for a general sauve qui peut.