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"Well, that's the time it come up, an' it's never been tired enough to lay down sence." "What became of Gabriel?" "I skeered 'im, and he went off into the woods pertendin' he was tryin' to catch a bullet. That's the kind o' ball I allers use when I have a little game with a rovin' angel that comes kadoodlin' round me." "Did you ever see him afterward?" inquired Yates. "Yes, I seen him.

"Jest tie on a good chaw o' tobacker on each side o' that hole an' 'twon't be long afore she's all right. I'm glad it went plumb through. I've knowed a arrerhead to pull off an' stay in when the sinew wroppin's got loose from soakin'. "Look at them wrists," he added, holding up his hands. "They twisted that rawhide clean to the bone, damn their skins! Pertendin' to be friends!

"Did you see him reclinin' on that Yuma grasshopper," said Bud Light, "and pertendin' he was ridin' a hoss?" "And then," added Billy Dime, "he gets so het up and proud that he rides right over to the ladies, and 'flop' he goes like swattin' a frog with a shingle. He rides about five rods on the cayuse and then five more on his map. Collie's sure tough. How's your mug, kid?"

Lemme tell yuh; never drive past a place that looks peaceful, and jump at the idea it is peaceful. They may be a woman behind them vines poisinin' 'er husband's father. How could them darn tourists tell'what was goin' on in Patmos? They seen the goats pertendin' to graze, an' keepin' an eye peeled till my back was turned, an' they thought it was nice to keep goats. Hunh!"

"Flapjack!" repeated the apple woman with scorn, as the children nestled down, one each side of her. "Yo' nice chillen pertendin' not to know yo' friends!" "What friends? What?" asked Emilie eagerly. "The fairy Slap-back. P'raps I didn't see her jest now, a-grinnin' over yo' shoulder." "Is she anybody to be afraid of?" asked Emilie, big-eyed.

I can see yuh, lyin' there, pertendin' to be asleep. Come on, now! You've had sleep enough. You've been sleepin' as long as I have." Jennie would be watching him out of the corner of one loving eye, her tail tap-tapping on the bed, her free ear going up and down.

"That's just it. You see, Anita thinks I'm a rarin', high-ridin', cussin', tearin', bronco-bustin' cow-puncher from over the hill. I reckon you know I ain't, but I got to live up to it and kind of let her down easy-like. I can put on me spurs and chaps onct or twict a week and go flyin' out and whoopin' around me stock, and scarin' 'em to death, pertendin' I'm mighty interested in ridin' range.

He'd pertend he could pull it twict an' say whisperin', 'Bickery-ickery-ee my wish is comin' to me, an' he'd git it. An' she liked to pertend 'twas so an' she could wish things on it for me an' git 'em.... Clo'es an' shoes an' fire an' cake an' beefsteak an' butter an' stayin' home.... Just pertendin', you see. "Mr.

Well, don't fall off Apache pertendin' you're so polite you can't spit." "What you sore about, Brand?" "I was thinkin' what a slashin' string of riders we got. Here a little old ranch like the Oro says they'll give a hoss to any Moonstoner what kin stay on him for two minutes. It's plumb sickenin'. Kids! Jest kids, on this ranch." "That so?

He offered to go with her to look up the cows; she flatly declined, yet with a strange satisfaction in his evident embarrassment. This may have lent some animation to her face, for he drew a long breath and said: "Don't go pertendin' ye don't know yer purty. Say, let me and you walk a bit and have a talk together." But Libby had another idea in her mind and curtly dismissed him.