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I only said you'd never be a bronco-bustin' cowboy again. Well, suppose you're not? You'll be able to ride a little, if I can save that leg.... Boy, your letter is damn good news. I'm sure glad. That will make Collie happy." The cowboy had a better appetite that morning, which fact mitigated somewhat the burden of Wade's worry.

Poor Bill, he was like a child, and The Pilot handled him with a mother's touch. "What are you best at, Bill?" "Bronco-bustin' and cattle," said Bill, wonderingly; "that's my line." "Well, Bill, my line is preaching just now, and piloting, you know." The Pilot's smile was like a sunbeam on a rainy day, for there were tears in his eyes and voice. "And we have just got to be faithful.

"That's just it. You see, Anita thinks I'm a rarin', high-ridin', cussin', tearin', bronco-bustin' cow-puncher from over the hill. I reckon you know I ain't, but I got to live up to it and kind of let her down easy-like. I can put on me spurs and chaps onct or twict a week and go flyin' out and whoopin' around me stock, and scarin' 'em to death, pertendin' I'm mighty interested in ridin' range.

"Now she takes care of the wardrobes and sort of looks out that the Human Doll don't get lost in the shuffle; the midget, you know. Now peel, and I'll give you a rub-down with some liniment." Jim tried to protest, but the husky individual only grinned the broader. "You may be some boy when it comes to bronco-bustin', but I'm the Strong Man in the sideshow, and you haven't a chance."

"Thet boy's the best rider an' roper I've had in years. He ain't the bronco-bustin' kind. He never drank. He was honest an' willin'. He saves his money. He's good at handlin' stock. Thet boy will be a rich rancher some day." "Strange, then, you never liked him," murmured Columbine. She felt ashamed of the good it did her to hear Wilson praised. "No, it ain't strange.