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There was frequent splashing in the lagoon near by at times Perk could tell it must be caused by jumping mullet, but on other occasions the sound being many times exaggerated, he reckoned it had been made by an alligator plunging off a log into the water, either alarmed by some sound further off, or else possessed of a desire to enter a secret underwater den he laid claim to.

Don't you cry, little missy; he's on'y swallowed more water than's good for him. Now then, perk up, my lad." Poor Ned's eyes opened at this, and he stared wildly at the man, then, as if utterly bewildered, at Cook, and lastly at Tizzy, who clung sobbing to him, where he had been laid on the grass, streaming with water. "Tiz!" he cried faintly. "Teddy! Teddy!" she wailed. "Oh, don't die!

I couldn't help wishing that Archie would enter into the spirit of the thing a little more and perk up, instead of sitting there looking like a codfish. The thing seemed to have stunned the poor chappie. "After this, Archie," I said, "all you have to do is to sit in your studio, while the police see that the waiting line of millionaires doesn't straggle over the pavement. They'll fight "

The best laid plans often go wrong and there was always a chance of the unexpected happening. Hardly had the airship whipped around again so as to head into the north than Perk became aware of the fact that there was a sudden accesssion of weird noises springing up from the goal toward which they were now aiming.

Can I have your wire, Mr. Sherwen?" "It's cut." "Come to the railway wire," offered Galpy. "My eye! Wot a game!" The two men ran out, the scientist leaving behind coat and goggles. "It was our little mix-up that started the rumor," said Carroll thoughtfully. "Somebody recognized Perk Dr. Pruyn." "When his glasses fell off," said CLuff. "They're some disguise."

Perk lost no time in picking up the small hand machine-gun, that could be used much after the fashion of a long barreled German Luger quick-firing pistol and when Jack looked dubiously at it his chum hastened to explain his reason for lugging such a weapon along. "Huh! the weight don't count with such a husky as me, old hoss an' how do we know what's goin' to happen before we gets back here?

To try and use it on that chap you'd have to step up within range of his spring and before you could get in your lick it'd all be over." "Jest as you say, partner," remarked Perk, throwing the stocky club away. "Wait up for me, Jack, an' don't let him skin out till I get back. I saw a stick just back a bit that ought to fill the bill okay."

The white head went up with a fling of the heavy mane, to perk ears forward at the sound. Then he turned and came towards them at a long, swinging walk that was a joy to behold. "Do you know, I hate the way nature's trimmed down the life of a horse to a few measly years," said Dade.

So the last line was cast off, Jack and Perk retired to their own ship, and with many a wheeze and complaint the sloop started to pass out to the open gulf, and commence the night journey to Tampa Bay.

"Well, get a move on you, Perk, and let's have the story of your fight did he drop down, and have it out with you on the water; or was he circling above your head all the while?" "If you'll take another squint at these bullet marks, old hoss," said Perk, reproachfully, "you'll see they passed along on the level.