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In all forms of incipient ringbone except rachitic, the first manifestation of its existence, or of injury to the ligaments in the region of the pastern joint which causes periostitis, or affections of the articular portions of the proximal inter-phalangeal joint, is lameness.

In chronic cases 'mercurialism, 'hydrargyrism, 'ptyalism, or 'salivation, including most of the symptoms enumerated above. May get eczema mercuriale and periostitis. Profound anæmia often a prominent symptom; neuritis not uncommon. If fumes of mercury inhaled, mercurial tremors develop. Post-Mortem Appearances. Corrosion, softening, and sloughing ulceration of stomach and intestines.

However, on Oct. 3d, nearly two months from the date of the fracture, he left the hospital, the union being complete, and he being entirely relieved from his pain; in fact, he was relieved from the moment of the fracture. This case presents a question in pathology which is of interest. Was there a localized periostitis at this point?

Evanescent periostitis is met with in acquired syphilis during the period of the early skin eruptions. The patient complains, especially at night, of pains over the frontal bone, ribs, sternum, tibiæ, or ulnæ. Localised tenderness is elicited on pressure, and there is slight swelling, which, however, rarely amounts to what may be described as a periosteal node.

Varying pathological developments often result from concussion, contusion or other violent shocks to the bony structures. In such cases there either follows a simple periostitis which may resolve spontaneously with no obvious outward symptom, or osteitis, which may occur with tissue changes, as in exostosis; or the case may produce any degree of reaction between these two possible extremes.

Any diseased process that affects the periosteum is spoken of as periostitis; the term osteomyelitis is employed when it is located in the marrow. The term epiphysitis has been applied to an inflammatory process in two distinct situations namely, the ossifying nucleus in the epiphysis, and the ossifying junction or metaphysis between the epiphysial cartilage and the diaphysis.

Very much calmer myself on seeing the increasing anger of the disagreeable man, and very much amused by his earache, I again opened the window. He got up again, furious, showed me his ear and his swollen cheek, and I caught the word "periostitis" in the explanation he gave me on shutting the window again and threatening me.

A sequel to this form of injury is a circumscribed periostitis at the site of attachment of the ligaments and frequently the formation of an exostosis ringbone results. Where sudden and violent strain is placed upon a ligament and rupture occurs, the division is usually effected by the ligament being torn from its attachment to the bone.

He wanted to visit Algiers and Tunis, but Kovalevsky, with whom he meant to travel, fell ill, and he had to give up the project. He contemplated a visit to Corsica, but did not carry out that plan either, as he was taken seriously ill himself. A wretched dentist used contaminated forceps in extracting a tooth, and Chekhov was attacked by periostitis in a malignant form.

If so, why was it not entirely relieved by the treatment which consisted of blisters and iodine, externally, and mercury and iodide potassium internally? Was there a deficiency of nutrition at this point? or anemia from some change in the nutrient artery, the result of the periostitis of the long bones? Or was it incipient necrosis? Prof.