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But their departure was postponed until the morrow. On that day, January 23, after receiving the oath of fealty from the Anziani in the Church of San Mercuriale, the duke marched his army out of Forli and took the road to Pesaro. Caterina Sforza Riario went with him. Dressed in black and mounted upon a white horse, the handsome amazon rode between Cesare Borgia and Yves d'Allegre.

Some got the name of him who first found them out, knew them, sowed them, improved them by culture, qualified them to tractability, and appropriated them to the uses and subserviences they were fit for, as the Mercuriale from Mercury; Panacea from Panace, the daughter of Aesculapius; Armois from Artemis, who is Diana; Eupatoria from the king Eupator; Telephion from Telephus; Euphorbium from Euphorbus, King Juba's physician; Clymenos from Clymenus; Alcibiadium from Alcibiades; Gentiane from Gentius, King of Sclavonia, and so forth, through a great many other herbs or plants.

In chronic cases 'mercurialism, 'hydrargyrism, 'ptyalism, or 'salivation, including most of the symptoms enumerated above. May get eczema mercuriale and periostitis. Profound anæmia often a prominent symptom; neuritis not uncommon. If fumes of mercury inhaled, mercurial tremors develop. Post-Mortem Appearances. Corrosion, softening, and sloughing ulceration of stomach and intestines.