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Hans' teeth were plainly heard to rattle together like dice. "One!" counted Barney. "Uf he don'd run avay, I vas reaty to hear him abologize," murmured the Dutch lad. "Say!" Ephraim hoarsely whispered to Sammy. "Git a rope an' tie me, quick! Hang me ef I don't believe my legs is goin' to run the best I kin do." "Two!" counted Barney. "Shimminy Gristmas! vere vas someding I can hide pehind?"

Hans, go cotch der filly colt. Now, Hans, I vants to see vedder der filly colt mid stand fire. You get on der filly colt, und I vill get pehind der house, und ven you shust coome galloping py, I vill say 'B-o-o-h, und if der filly colt don't shump, den I vill know dot der filly colt mid stand fire."

Meyer calmed himself, and facing the two steamship officers, said, slowly and impressively, while he poked his forefinger almost into their faces: "England is a fine country, my friends a fine country to leave pehind sometimes. Dere is Canada, and der United States, and Australia, and South Africa all fine countries, too fine countries to go to with new names.

He has made a day on us; put his Argyle-shires will have wearied shanks. How far was he pehind?" "I think about six or seven miles," answered the squire, "for I passed them at the Christenbury Cragg, and I overtook you at the Hollan Bush. If his beasts be leg-weary, he will be may be selling bargains."

None of your kilts, though, but a decent pair of breeches. D'ye know who he may be?" "Hout aye; that might, could, and would be Hughie Morrison. I didna think he could hae peen sae weel up. He has made a day on us; but his Argyleshires will have wearied shanks. How far was he pehind?"