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"An Oppenstedt," said Silver Tongue, "could never indermarry with the family of a murderer, and least of all with a family that had the head of my dead wife's relation cut off and carried with gapers and cries of joy down the main street of Apia and past my place of peeziness!" "Do you mean to say it's all off with you and Rosalie?" I demanded. Silver Tongue nodded grimly. "All off," he said.

"My dear poy," said Grossensteck, "you know as much of peeziness as a child unporne, and I tell you it's the same efferywhere in groceries, in hardware, in the alkali trade, in effery branch of industry, the pig operators stand shoulder to shoulder to spiflicate the little fellers like you.

Let them come from all the countries of the ear-r-rth. We will share wi' them what we haf, provided they will be behavin' themsel's and mindin' their peeziness. But this man is sayin' somethin' more. He is tellin' us how safe we are, an' that the great Republic south o' us will be guar-r-rdin' us frae our enemies. I doubt it will be the fox guar-r-rdin' the chicken frae the weasel.

"Gaptain," he returned, "there are oggasions when in condrast to a liar to a golossal liar to one who has made a peeziness of systematic deception a murderer is a shentlemans!" "Oh, you villain baker!" cried Sasa, joining in. "You make tongafiti. You never want marry the girl at all. All the time you say something different.