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Stiffelkind, have you got me a place under Government?" "Yes, and somting better still not only a place, but a uniform: yes, Gaptain Stobbs, a RED GOAT." "A red coat! I hope you don't think I would demean myself by entering the ranks of the army? I am a gentleman, Mr. Stiffelkind I can never no, I never "

"I can honestly say I have never seen anything just like them before." "Schon!" cried the German, delighted. "You hear, Gaptain? Here is a chentleman, yes, vot abbreviate unser aart." The captain was charmed, and said: "Well, sir, we're thankful for a compliment yet, though they're not as scarce now as they used to be before we made a reputation."

De Gaptain prefers PUMPS to boots I tink ha! ha!" "Captain indeed! a nice Captain," says Miss Crutty, snapping her fingers in my face, and walking away: "a Captain who has had his nose pulled! ha! ha!" And how could I help it? it wasn't by my own CHOICE that that ruffian Waters took such liberties with me. Didn't I show how averse I was to all quarrels by refusing altogether his challenge?

I didn't say a word, but cried on; till everybody in the street turned round and stared. "Come, come," said Stiffelkind, "do not gry, Gaptain Stobbs it is not goot for a Gaptain to gry ha! ha! Dere come vid me, and you shall have a dinner, and a bregfast too, vich shall gost you nothing, until you can bay vid your earnings."

How could you, Magdalen, ever leaf such a lof of a man? Shake hands vid her, Gaptain; dere, never mind de blacking!" But Miss drew back. "I never shake hands with a SHOEBLACK," said she, mighty contemptuous. "Bah! my lof, his fingers von't soil you. Don't you know he has just been VITEVASHED?" "I wish, uncle," says she, "you would not leave me with such low people." "Low, because he cleans boots?

"Gaptain," he returned in the tone of a clarionet tootling a love passage in grand opera, "me and Rosalie invites you all to the Bublic Hall Thursday night to dance at our wedding!"

"Gaptain," he returned, "there are oggasions when in condrast to a liar to a golossal liar to one who has made a peeziness of systematic deception a murderer is a shentlemans!" "Oh, you villain baker!" cried Sasa, joining in. "You make tongafiti. You never want marry the girl at all. All the time you say something different.

But such is the world. And thus the people at Stiffelkind's used to tease me, until they drove me almost mad. At last he came home one day more merry and abusive than ever. "Gaptain," says he, "I have goot news for you a goot place. Your lordship vill not be able to geep your garridge, but you vill be gomfortable, and serve his Majesty." "Serve his Majesty?" says I. "Dearest Mr.

No, Gaptain Branscombe, I'm only a poor paker, but I'd count myself a traidor to my family were I to dake a murderess for my pride!" "Rosalie isn't a murderess," I said. "I meant niece of a murderer," he returned. I was too speechless with indignation to utter another word.

"Come, come," I said, "you aren't marrying the girl's adopted uncle." "A traidor to my family? No, gaptain, dat is what I can never be," said Silver Tongue. "Traitor nothing!" I said. "Oh, the silly baker!" said Sasa. "He speaks like a delirious person," said Seumanutafa.