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That means coffee, an' hot cakes, an' a bit of br'iled fish, an' pertaters, an' p'r'aps, if the old woman feels in a partiklar good humor, some canned peaches big white uns, cut in half, with a holler place in the middle filled with cool, sweet juice." Early in my married life I bought a small country estate which my wife and I looked upon as a paradise.

At their approach he took his pipe out of his mouth, and inclined his head towards the Keep. "They're saying something's been found up there." he replied. "I don't know what. But Chatfield, he's sent two men down here to the village. One of 'em's gone for the police and the doctor, and t'other's gone to the 'Admiral, looking for you. You're wanted up there partiklar!"

The skipper, whose gnarled countenance had undergone several changes during this address, smote one red fist on top of the other. "Darned if I don't know as there was something on the crook in this here affair!" he said, almost cheerily. "Well, well but I ain't got nothing to do with it. Warrants? you say? Ah! And what might be the partiklar' natur' o' them warrants?"

But when the coveted opportunity came, the pedlar was quite impenetrable. 'He forgot everything; he did not believe as he ever saw the lady before. He called a Frenchwoman, all the world over, Madamasel that wor the name on 'em all. He never seed her in partiklar afore, as he could bring to mind. He liked to see 'em always, 'cause they makes the young uns buy.

I should have said by every person excep one, a young French gnlmn, that is, who, before our appearants, had been mighty partiklar with my lady, ockupying by her side exackly the same pasition which the Honrable Mr. Deuceace now held.

He was a partiklar friend of a man I've known since he was knee-high to a grasshopper." Ezekiel had actually never seen Demorest but once in his life. He would have scorned to lie, but strict accuracy was not essential with an ignorant foreign audience. He took up his carpet-bag. "I reckon I kin find his house, ef it's anyway handy." But the Senor Mateo was again politely troubled.

They came to see what was up and what could be done, found that nothin' partiklar was up an' nothin' at all could be done, so off they go, mounted, to fish in other waters. Just as well for us." "But not so well for the fish in the other waters," remarked Charlie. "True, but we can't help that. Come, we may as well return now."

Then a sudden thought struck him. "O, look here," said he; "jest ask 'em one thing, as a partiklar favor. You needn't mention me, though. It's this. Ask 'em if they won't leave me free that is, I don't want to be handcuffed." "Handcuffed!" exclaimed Claude, grinding his teeth in futile rage. "They won't dare to do that!" "O, you jest ask this Moosoo, as a favor. They needn't object."

All th' throubles iv th' neighborhood ar-re my throubles an' my throubles ar-re me own. If ye shed a tear f'r anny person but wan ye lose ye'er latch-key, but havin' no wan in partiklar to sympathize with I'm supposed to sympathize with ivry wan. On th' conthry if ye have anny griefs ye can't bear ye dump thim on th' overburdened shoulders iv ye'er wife.

In that partiklar your education's been shamefully neglected. Never kill a rattlesnake arter he's shut in his fangs and turns on his back for mercy its sneakin' business. Never think a woman is dead till the sexton sends in his bill. Snakes and feminine wimmen is hard to kill.