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Hitherto the momentous problem has been dealt with chiefly by the theorists and doctrinaires who delight in radical solutions by means of panaceas, and who have little taste for detailed local investigation and gradual improvement. I speak of the great majority of reasonable, educated men who devote some attention to the problem.

To-day many look into the future with shaded eyes of terror. In the social unrest and discontent of our times timid men see the brewing of a social and industrial storm. In their alarm, amateur reformers bring in social panaceas, conceived in haste and born in fear. But God cannot be hurried. His century plants cannot be forced to blossom in a night.

No longer was the labor movement a mere plaything of the alternating waves of prosperity and depression. Formerly, as we saw, it had centered on economic or trade-union action during prosperity only to change abruptly to "panaceas" and politics with the descent of depression.

'I would prescribe a course of it, Cecilia; yes, he turned to her. 'The Dr. Dulcamara of a single drug? 'Now you have a name for me! Tory arguments always come to epithets. 'It should not be objectionable. Is it not honest to pretend to have only one cure for mortal maladies? There can hardly be two panaceas, can there be? 'So you call me quack?

The same hopeless, not to say the same wilful, neglect of the practical appears throughout. But his own panaceas a sort of Cadi-court for "bag-and-baggaging" bad landlords, and the concurrent endowment of Catholicism were, at least, no better, and went, if it were possible, even more in the teeth of history.

The panaceas of the prohibitive system, with which the Roman governor was wont to interpose when scarcity of money or dearth occurred, as under such circumstances they could not fail to do the prohibition of the export of gold or grain from the province did not mend the matter.

And among other things I see now much better than I did why patent medicines are so popular. It is clear that as a community we are far too impatient of detail and complexity, we want overmuch to simplify, we clamour for panaceas, we are a collective invitation to quacks. Our situation is an intricate one, it does not admit of a solution neatly done up in a word or a phrase.

'He will swallow up death in victory, or, as probably the word more correctly means, 'He will swallow up death for ever. None of the other panaceas for the world's evils that I have been speaking of even attempt to deal with that 'Shadow feared of Man' that sits at the end of all our paths. Jesus Christ has dealt with it.

That must be the opiate of the poor, driven by labor to feed and clothe themselves; of the ambitious, driven by hope and desire.... She must work, too; work was a good thing. Why had Potts not included it in his panaceas? ... Later when she walked back into the still ward, she thought she heard a stifled breathing, but when she went the rounds of the cots, all was still.

In the old churches of the East or on the Continent of Europe, how much of virtual idolatry is there even now? It is only another form of the tendency in man to seek out many devices to find visible objects of trust to try new panaceas for the ailments of the soul to multiply unto himself gods to help his weakness. This is just what has been done in all ages and among all races of the world.