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Nor are the Serbs and the Pan-Germans the only ones to whom the crime might logically be traced. Ferdinand, remember, had many enemies within the borders of his own country. The Austrian anti-clericals hated and distrusted him because he surrounded himself by Jesuit advisers and because he was believed to be unduly under the influence of the Church of Rome.

Certain it is that the Archduke, who was a man of strong character and passionately devoted to the best interests of the Dual Monarchy, was the greatest obstacle to the Kaiser's scheme for the union of the two empires under his rule, a scheme which, could it have been realized, would have given Germany that highroad to the East and that outlet to the Warm Water of which the Pan-Germans had long dreamed.

Brunswick Its beauty High level of culture The Brunswick Theatre Its excellence Gas vs. electricity Primitive theatre toilets Operatic stars in private life Some operas unknown in London Dramatic incidents in them Levasseur's parody of "Robert" Some curious details about operas Two fiery old Pan-Germans Influence of the teaching profession on modern Germany The "French and English Clubs" A meeting of the "English Club" Some reflections about English reluctance to learn foreign tongues Mental attitude of non-Prussians in 1875 Concerning various beers A German sportsman The silent, quinine-loving youth The Harz Mountains A "Kettle-drive" for hares Dialects of German The odious "Kaffee-Klatsch" Universal gossip Hamburg's overpowering hospitality Hamburg's attitude towards Britain The city itself Trip to British Heligoland The island Some peculiarities Migrating birds Sir Fitzhardinge Maxse Lady Maxse The Heligoland Theatre Winter in Heligoland.

It was not a question of whether we wished to go on fighting, but whether we could, and it was my duty to impress upon him in time that we were bound to end the war. Dr. Michaelis was more given to Pan-Germanism than his predecessor. It was astonishing to what degree the Pan-Germans misunderstood the situation.

I think that most of them know only too well the designs against Central and South America cherished by the Pan-Germans. Finally, I think on the morning of Friday, Mr. Oscar King Davis, correspondent of the NewYorkTimes, received a wireless from Mr.

The memorandum follows: "The present Russian situation, which is unspeakably horrible and which seems beyond present hope of betterment, presents new problems to be solved at the peace table. "The Pan-Germans now have in shattered and impotent Russia the opportunity to develop an alternative or supplemental scheme to their 'Mittel-Europa' project.

Nevertheless, they have never been enthusiastic Pan-Slavists, any more than the Dutch have ever been ardent Pan-Germans; it is as unreasonable to expect such a thing of the one people as it is of the other.

It was intimated from Washington that if any faction in Germany in this case the Pan-Germans succeeded in reviving submarine methods whereby ships were sunk without warning or without safeguards against loss of American lives, the submarine crisis with Germany would be reopened with all its possibilities.

It is well known that the Pan-Germans regard England as Teutonic, and destined to be gathered into the German fold. In these last few weeks we have been reproached as a people for being traitors to our 'Teutonic' blood. Better be traitors to blood than to plain duty; but as a matter of fact our mixed blood has many other strains than the Teutonic.

And it is clear that, during April and early May, under the stimulus of the submarine successes, German spirits have temporarily revived. Never have the Junkers been more truculent, never have the Pan-Germans talked wilder nonsense about "annexation" and "indemnities."