United States or Mozambique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

These are also operations that, because of intense, instantaneous media coverage, can have huge domestic political impact especially if events go wrong. Whether or not this armored division is the most optimally configured force for such an operation is not relevant for the moment even though this unit probably was the most appropriate for this task.

Without revving up your engine every day many of the body's systems never get the sludge burned out of them and never perform optimally. Exercise also changes the metabolic rate so your body burns more calories not only while you are exercising, but also for a 24 hour period following exercise. This maintains a healthful body weight into old age, or helps to lose weight.

Most bodies are not optimally efficient at performing all the required functions, especially after years of poor living habits, stress, fatigue, and aging. To the Natural Hygienist, most disease begins and ends with our food; most of our healing efforts are focused on improving the process of digestion.

Our infinite wants, the finiteness of our resources and the bad job we too often make of allocating them efficiently and optimally lead to mismatches between supply and demand. We are forever forced to choose between opportunities, between alternative uses of resources, painfully mindful of their costs. The classical concept of scarcity unlimited wants vs. limited resources is lacking.