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"Negli occhi porta la mia donna Amore; Per che si fa gentil eio ch'ella mira: Ov'ella passa, ogni uom ver lei si gira, E cui saluta fa tremar lo core. Sicche, bassando il viso, tutto smore, E d'ogni suo difetto allor sospira: Fuggon dinanzi a lei Superbia ed Ira: Aiutatemi, donne, a farle onore.

From Goa I departed for Cochin, a voyage of 300 miles, there being several strong-holds belonging to the Portuguese between these two cities, as Onore, Barcelore, Mangalore, and Cananore. Onore, the first of these, is in the dominions of the queen of Battacella, or Batecolah, who is tributary to the king of Bijanagur.

He can control the current of the blood with his words, and although much of what he says is bosh, yet his hearer is satisfied, fulfilled. Carnival ends on the 5th of February, so each Thursday there is a Serata d' Onore of one of the actors. The first, and the only one for which prices were raised to a fourpence entrance fee instead of threepence was for the leading lady.

With the Italian conception of Onore we may compare their view of Onest

Here the round cup is enriched by an arcade, under each arch of which stands a saint, while on the base are leaves and medallions with angels. It is inscribed, 'Geda Menendis me fecit in onore sci. Michaelis e. MCLXXXX., that is A.D. 1152. It was no doubt given by Dom Miguel, who ruled the see from 1162 to 1176 and who spent so much on the old cathedral and on its furniture.

I asked you all here to-night, as you know, to honor me by your presence and to give a welcome to our mutual friend, Signor Guido Ferrari." Here I was interrupted by a loud clapping of hands and ejaculations of approval, while Ferrari himself murmured affably between two puffs of his cigarette. "Tropp' onore, amico, tropp' onore!"

She decided he must be an Italian, his hair and eyes were so black. "Ne bella! si fai un onore a passare di qua," he called waving his hand and smiling. Mary went to the end of Wilmott Street and came out upon a country road. It seemed to her that a long time must have passed since she left her father's presence although the walk had in fact occupied but a few minutes.

Corruption of the Church Degradation and Division of Italy Opinions of Machiavelli, Guicciardini, and King Ferdinand of Naples Incapacity of the Italians for thorough Reformation The Worldliness and Culture of the Renaissance Witness of Italian Authors against the Papal Court and the Convents Superstitious Respect for Relics Separation between Religion and Morality Mixture of Contempt and Reverence for the Popes Gianpaolo Baglioni Religious Sentiments of the Tyrannicides Pietro Paolo Boscoli Tenacity of Religions The direct Interest of the Italians in Rome Reverence for the Sacraments of the Church Opinions pronounced by Englishmen on Italian Immorality Bad Faith and Sensuality The Element of the Fancy in Italian Vice The Italians not Cruel, or Brutal, or Intemperate by Nature Domestic Murders Sense of Honor in Italy Onore and Onesta General Refinement Good Qualities of the People Religious Revivalism.

Two days journey from thence I came to Onore, the king of which is an idolater, subject to the king of Narsinga. The prince or king of Onore has eight armed foists or barks, which make excursions by sea, and subsist by piracy, yet is he in friendship with the Portuguese.

It is curious to compare, for example, the part played by Italians, especially by Venice, Pisa, Genoa, Amalfi, as contractors and merchants in the Crusades, with the enthusiasm of the northern nations. The context proves that Gianpaolo failed to win the honor of a signal crime. Compare the use of the word onore in Lorinzino de' Medici's 'Apologia.