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He gave some currency to this report himself, nor did he ever attempt to defend himself against it, except in a light way; as in the prologue to The Adelphi: Nam quod isti dicunt malevoli, homines nohiles Hunc adjutare, assidueque una scribere; Quod illi maledictun vehemens existimant, Eam laudem hic ducit maximam: cum illis placet, Qui vobis universis et populo placent; Quorum opera in bello, in otio, in negotio, Suo quisque tempore usus est sine superbia.

But this will come because I have failed to interpret accurately the meaning of those words, "oris oculorumque illa contumacia ac superbia quam videtis." Verres, as we can understand, had carried himself during the trial with a bragging, brazen, bold face, determined to show no shame as to his own doings.

A knight, with a heavy and stupid face, holding a sword with three edges: his armor covered with ornaments in the form of roses, and with two ears attached to his helmet. The inscription indecipherable, all but "SUPERBIA." Spenser has analyzed this vice with great care.

It is the best example there is of the pride of life, 'superbia vitae. I forget the Greek words at the moment; but a bishop whom I happen to know once told me that they mean the exultation of living. You know the sort of thing gems and glitter, colour, scent, beauty, stateliness, strength. 'The pride of heraldry, the pomp of power." I made way for Mrs.

Only, it'll be kind of sad to see the old planets go to be replaced by a wonderful super-suburbia. Or maybe we should say, superbia." Nelsen burst out laughing, at last. "You sly slob...! Anyhow, that extreme is millenniums off if it has a chance of happening, at all. Even so, our descendants, if any, will be going to the stars by then.

In the fifteenth century, Battista Mantovano, in discoursing of the seven monsters, includes the humanists, with any others, under the head 'Superbia. He describes how, fancying themselves children of Apollo, they walk along with affected solemnity and with sullen, malicious looks, now gazing t their own shadow, now brooding over the popular praise they hunted after, like cranes in search of food.

We might hear them, in a voice that terrifies us, in those strains of complaint and accusation, which the advocates of the provinces poured forth in the Roman Forum: "Quas res luxuries in flagitiis, crudelitas in suppliciis, avaritia in rapinis, superbia in contumeliis, efficere potuisset, eas omnes sese pertulisse."

"Sufficit huic tumulus, cui non sufficeret orbis." That of Tasso: "Les os du Tasse." Similar to which is that of Dryden: "Dryden." The following is that of General Foy, in Pere la Chaise: By accident the meaning was discovered, and the solution is equally remarkable for its ingenuity and for the morality it inculcates: "O superbe quid superbis? tua superbia te superabit.

Intolerantia, al. tolerantia, but without MS. authority. Incuria is negligence. Intolerantia is insufferable arrogance, severity, in a word intolerance. So Cic.: superbia atque intolerantia. Quae timebatur. And no wonder, since ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant, 30. Multus, al. militum. Multus in the recent editions. Multus==frequens, cf. Sal. Jug. 84: multus ac ferox instare.

We might hear them, in a voice that terrifies us, in those strains of complaint and accusation, which the advocates of the provinces poured forth in the Roman Forum: "Quas res luxuries in flagitiis, crudelitas in suppliciis, avaritia in rapinis, superbia in contumeliis, efficere potuisset, eas omnes sese pertulisse."