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The day he got up and said, 'Have-you-heard-the-waters-singing-little-May where-the-willows-green-are-bending-over-the-way do-you-know-how-low- and-sweet-are-the-words-the-waves-repeat to-the-pebbles-at-their-feet night-and-day?" David laughed at the girl's droll imitation, the way she sing-songed the verse in the exact manner prevalent in many rural schools.

Above her, homing birds called to each other, and bullfrogs croaked from the sloughs at her horse's feet. There flashed into her mind the night-and-day horror of the Indian's face and hand, and she began to whistle a little to rally heart as she rode beyond the cows to turn a stray. But suddenly the sound died on her lips.

"Edison had thought it all over and had come to the conclusion that, on account of the hard night-and-day work he had been doing, he really ought to have five thousand dollars, but he would be glad to settle for three thousand, if they thought five thousand was too much.

It was a night-and-day strain for all hands watching out for raiders, watching out for U-boats, watching out for everything, and grabbing snatches of sleep when they could. Arriving at their naval base, every skipper of the little fleet felt pretty well used up. But every worth-while skipper thinks first of his men.

Twenty-five thousand dollars doesn't sound like so much when you're reading the annual report of the Pennsylvania Railroad or listening to an actor talking about his salary; but when you can raise up a wagon sheet and kick around your bootheel and hear every one of 'em ring against another it makes you feel like you was a night-and-day bank with the clock striking twelve.

We succeeded in getting across the Urals before the end of the year, and on the 7th of January, after twenty-five days of almost incessant night-and-day travel, we drew up before a hotel in the city of Nizhni Novgorod, which, at that time, was the eastern terminus of the Russian railway system.

Never useless words from Carlin, but always the vivid meaning. He had been slow at first to see how much more magic were their days together, because she paid for them with a night-and-day readiness to go forth to the call of service to others. Yet through all, he was utterly, changelessly desolate. Not only bitterness, but an icy bitterness, was upon all meaning and movement of life.

Spensonly, the Engineer. "How I hated him! "Why should he be big and strong while I am skinny and feeble owing to night-and-day burning midnight candle at both ends and unable to make them meet? "Besides did he not bring unmerited dishonour on grey hairs of poor old progenitor by finding him out in bribe-taking?

Caroline Smythe invited Alice to join her in an expedition to the last-named place; but Montague interposed, because he saw that Alice had been made pale and nervous by three months of night-and-day festivities.

On reaching town, we drove to the stable where the rig belonged, and once free of the horses, Siringo led the way to a well-known night-and-day eating-house on a back street. No sooner had we entered the place than I remembered having my wagon in town, and the necessity of its reaching camp before darkness made my excuse imperative.