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All this nervous strain was gradually killing her, and, to overcome her physical weakness, her weary senses, her frigid disposition, she resorted to artificial stimulants to keep her blood at the boiling point and enable her to satisfy the phlegmatic king.

"Rest and quiet complete change," he said. "Nervous breakdown, according to the doctors that's what they always call it, you know, when they can't find any other name for it. I've been overdoing it, I suppose." "Be that so!" returned Mr. Higgins sympathetically. "I want to know! Well, now, that's too bad! Lookin' for quiet, be you?

He found this scientific physician admitting that we know very little about the matter. He knew, what is very gratifying, that 'mind is the result of nervous action, and that so-called 'possession' is the result of 'material derangements of the organs or functions of the system. Dr.

"That's queer," he said, and he gave a nervous little laugh. "It's the worst of luck, and and we're twelve miles from Tralee," he added slowly. "It's terrible!" Louise said, her fingers twisting together in an effort at self-control. "Don't you see how terrible it is?" she asked, looking into Orlando's troubled face but cheerful eyes. "You couldn't walk that distance, of course," he remarked.

There had been the buying of the uniform, the visits to the camp in England, the parcels to send out always the parcels week by week. And now nothing; no more parcels, no more letters, silence. Only the last hungry pickings from Captain Matthew's tired memory and nervous speech. I turned away with a great shrinking.

Some stimulus or other, from light or sound or something else, is, according to this theory, conducted to the nervous centre, the ganglion, the spinal cord, the cerebellum or the cerebrum.

It seemed, according to the representations of the devoted Copping, that Professor Flick was a very nervous man about the possibility of fires; that he never willingly went higher than the first floor in consequence, and that he always carried with him in his baggage a patent rope-ladder for fear of accidents. 'On the first floor, said Miss Paulo. 'Which rooms? 'The end suite at the right.

The superintendent had seemed to believe it was a great moment; there had been a tremor in his voice as he addressed the class, each in turn. He was a small, nervous, intent man whose daily worries showed plainly through the uplift of the moment, and Wilbur had wondered what he found to be so thrilled about.

'So am I, he answered quietly. 'We get on rather well together, he added, after a moment. She nodded half absently. 'I feel as if I'd known you for years instead of for months, she said. 'Yes, I have rather that feeling, too. Except that I'm always a little nervous when I meet you again after an interval. 'Nervous, she frowned. 'Why nervous? 'I'm always afraid you'll have some news for me.

She was not conscious of anger; she felt only an indifferent weariness a nervous shrinking from the brutality of his rage. His face as she had seen it rose suddenly before her, and she put her hand to her eyes as if to shut out the sight.