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I doubt if they even found the name of a Chicago packing-house on a bully-beef case, when next day they wandered curiously through the abandoned settlement that for many months had been peopled by the bronzed giants from farthest south. The last men to leave the actual trenches were the remnant of the heroic band that were the first to land.

The armament of these vessels generally consisted of six to ten carronades and one long pivot-gun, going by the pet name of "Long Tom," mounted amidships. The crew was usually a choice assortment of cut-throats and seafaring vagabonds of all classes, ready enough to fight if plunder was to be gained, but equally ready to surrender if only honor was to be gained by fighting.

Arcot, "but I should like to know the name of this remarkable ship." "What?" asked Wade. "Name? Oh, it hasn't any." The elder Morey shook his head sadly. "That is indeed an important oversight. If a crew of men can overlook so fundamental a thing, I wonder if they are to be trusted." "Well, what are we going to call it, then?" asked Arcot. "Solarite II might do," suggested Morey.

The ghost descends the mountain to the banks of LONG MALAN, which river he must cross to reach his appointed place. The river must be crossed by means of a bridge consisting of a single large log suspended from bank to bank. This log, BITANG SEKOPA, is constantly agitated by a guardian, MALIGANG by name.

Seated on a camp-stool at the table, and busily engaged in examining a chart of the Pacific, was the captain, who looked up as I entered, and in a quiet voice bade me be seated, while he threw down his pencil, and rising from the table, stretched himself on a sofa at the upper end of the cabin. "Boy," said he, looking me full in the face, "what is your name?" "Ralph Rover," I replied.

I habitually refer to the visual extended image as the primary basis of my idea of the world, or of any particular part of the world, such as my dining-room. Why? Simply because, for the reasons already noted, the sense of sight is the sense of universal reference. In principle it is the same habitual tendency which makes me associate every element of my world with its appropriate name.

"In the name of Heaven," demanded Kenny, shocked, "why not? It's a beautiful thing like the play-acting of a dryad!" "My mother," said the girl in a low voice, "was on the stage." Her challenging eyes, big and wistful, fanned his chivalry into reckless flame. The need of the hour was peculiar. There was little room for fact.

Then hid himself from the gods, and for a season his throne in the Boat of Millions of Years was empty. Eye of Horus, come out of the god, and sparkle as thou comest through his mouth. I am the worker. I make the poison to fall on the ground. The poison is conquered. Truly the name of the great god hath been taken from him. liveth! The poison dieth! If the poison live shall die."

On every side of us lay vast blocks of granite of all hues and grades, all absolutely unworked, but surely not unworkable. We stopped and picked up many specimens, some of them almost as rich in colour as porphyry. Of lakes and lakelets supplying water-power the name too, is legion.

He had come to bring some message from the convalescent August, and had been detained by the attraction of adhesion. "I told you it was fox-and-geese. Didn't I? And so Thomas A. Parkins is his name. Gus Wehle said he'd bet the two was one. Well, I must drive this varmint off afore he gits his chickens." Just at this point arrived Mr.