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MacCulloch, or any of my friends who have so kindly supplied me with notes; neither does Professor Ansted mention it in his list. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. Muscicapa grisola, Linnaeus. French, "Gobe-mouche gris." The Spotted Flycatcher is a regular and numerous summer visitant, generally quite as numerous in certain localities as in England, its arrival and departure being about the same time.

Murray, A., on the Pediculi of different races of men. Murray, T.A., on the fertility of Australian women with white men. Mus coninga. Mus minutus, sexual difference in the colour of. Musca vomitoria. Muscicapa grisola. Muscicapa luctuosa. Muscicapa ruticilla, breeding in immature plumage. Muscle, ischio-pubic.

The red-eye is classed among the flycatchers by some writers, but is much more of a worm-eater, and has few of the traits or habits of the Muscicapa or the true Sylvia. He resembles somewhat the warbling vireo, and the two birds are often confounded by careless observers. Both warble in the same cheerful strain, but the latter more continuously and rapidly.

The red-eye is classed among the flycatchers by some writers, but is much more of a worm-eater, and has few of the traits or habits of the Muscicapa or the true Sylvia. He resembles somewhat the warbling vireo, and the two birds are often confounded by careless observers. Both warble in the same cheerful strain, but the latter more continuously and rapidly.