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However, the disguise was complete; he looked in the glass and thought he was his own landlady; his best friends wouldn’t have known him, and the teller of the bank would have pronounced him a forgery and refused to certify him; he felt like a full-rigged clipper ship, and got under sail as soon as possible and bore down upon Madame Morrow’s residence.

The character of the greater part of herladyvisitors is of a grade that goes to corroborate this supposition, and leads to the belief that among women of doubtful virtueold acquaintanceis not easilyforgot.” By far the greater number of Madame Morrow’s customers are girls of the town, and women of even more disreputable character.

The factions involved in the mighty strife over the dogs were thinking of the morrow’s contest and the wager; great thought is wont to constrain the lips to silence.

A dejected and cast-down woman was assorting the despairing contents of the basket with a look of desolation. The girl, who had disappeared, now returned, and with an air of mystery slipped into the hand of her visitor a red card, on which was inscribed: + + |No Person allowed to remain in the Establishment | |without a ticket. Please present this on entering| |Madame Morrow’s room.