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"Purgeons le sol des patriotes, Par des rois encore infectes. La terre de la liberte Rejette les os des despotes. De ces monstres divinises Que tous lea cercueils soient brises! Que leur memoirs soit fletrie! Et qu'avec leurs manes errants Sortent du sein de la patrie Les cadavres de ses tyrants!" The land of liberty Rejects the bones of despots.

You have heard that they have added the death of their queen to the long list of their crimes“Les monstresagain murmured Monsieur Le Quoi, turning himself suddenly in his chair, with a convulsive start. “The province of La Vendée is laid waste by the troops of the republic, and hundreds of its inhabitants, who are royalists in their sentiments, are shot at a time.

"It is all the same. Ils sont tous des monstres affreux." "Tst! Tst! Tst!" The voice of Jacques came up from the garden. "What is it?" "Tst! Tst!" They were silent, and heard in the distance faintly a sound of drumming and of native music. "I must go! I must hear, see!" The composer cried out. "Come with me, my Susan, and you, Max, old person!"

Madame Sennier spoke of the terrific wall of rock from which, in the days before the French occupation, faithless wives were sometimes hurled to death by their Arab husbands. "C'est affreux!" she exclaimed, lapsing into French. She put up her hand to her veil, and pulled it tightly under her prominent chin with twisting fingers. "Les Arabes sont des monstres."

Dans l'ordre moral, il ne nait point de monstres: Dieu n'en fait pas; mais les hommes en font beaucoup. C'est ce que les mères ne doivent pas oublier. In France's plan for Europe there is both the idealistic romantic and the cynical materialistic. If England really understood the spirit of France she would strengthen the former. And France might really take England into her confidence.

And that tyme, the fendes of helle camen many tymes, and leyen with the wommen of his generacioun, and engendered on hem dyverse folk, as monstres, and folk disfigured, summe with outen hedes, summe with gret eres, summe with on eye, summe geauntes, summ with hors feet, and many other dyverse schapp, azenst kynde.

Vaillanti..." the Prussians monstres odieux smashing into the village, the cry "Maman! The violins mixed with the voices of the market-women, crying their artichokes and haricots, and above them rang "Ardent!

Not knowing, not suspecting that Madame Sennier had read it, she supposed that Madame Sennier was expressing a real and instinctive disgust. The Frenchwoman shrugged her shoulders. "Ce sont tous des monstres mal propres!" "Henriette can't bear them," said Mrs. Shiffney, pushing a dried leaf of eucalyptus idly over the pavement with the point of her black-and-white parasol.