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The word 'moi' dominates these tragedies; and their heroes, bursting with this extraordinary egoism, assume even more towering proportions in their self-abnegation than in their pride. Then the thrilling clarion-notes of their defiances give way to the deep grand music of stern sublimity and stoic resignation. The gigantic spirit recoils upon itself, crushes itself, and reaches its last triumph.

Lebedeff jumped up and put a couple of candles nearer to Hippolyte, so that he might see better. "Gentlemen, this you'll soon see what this is," began Hippolyte, and suddenly commenced his reading. "It's headed, 'A Necessary Explanation, with the motto, 'Apres moi le deluge! Oh, deuce take it all! Surely I can never have seriously written such a silly motto as that?

Et, depuis ce temps, nous avons ete de vieux amis. Non seulement nous passions nos journees au jury, ou nous etions toujours ensemble, cote-a-cote. Mais nos habitudes s'etaient faites telles que, non contents de dejeuner en face l'un de l'autre, je le ramenais diner presque tous les jours chez moi. Cela dura une quinzaine: puis il fut rappele en Angleterre.

"She is moi kanahau; as beautiful as the flowers of the hutu in my own beloved valley of Atuona. She is not of America. She is of Chile. She has paid many piasters for the coming here. She has paid forty piasters. She has been at home in Las Palmas, in the islands of small golden birds. "I will write you more in this paper. I seek your permission to marry Jeanette. She asks it, as I do.

Then the miracle had flashed down from the sky. She was free, astride the pinto, galloping for home. "Yes, you owe us much." There was a note of light sarcasm in her clear, young voice, but the feeling in her heart swept it away in an emotional rush of words from the tongue of her father. "Vous avez pris le fait et cause pour moi. Sans vous j'étais perdu." "You're French," he said.

For all her habitual crafty appearance, he felt sure she had no knowledge of this dreadful business. In her way she had a certain loyalty to her mistress which might readily dispose her to regard him as an enemy. "Moi non plus, monsieur," she said with hesitation. "Mais vous savez, hier soir Madame a été tellement fachée contre Monsieur que je croyais..."

"Chacun son goût. Moi, j'aime mieux la nature primitive qui n'est pas

And what is more, he was au mad. He jabbed the bell button that summoned the valet, and when the boy appeared Henry had his speech ready for him. "Donnez moi some soap here and be mighty blame toot sweet about it!" The valet explained that soap was not furnished with the room.

Moi, je m'en fous, Je reste dans mon trou and I say: "I hear the truth in the mouth of the vagrant minstrel, one who possibly has no trou wherein to lay his head." Et moi aussi, je reste dans mon trou, et mon trou est assez beau pour que j'y reste, car mon trou est Richard Wagner. My trou is the Ring the Sacrosanct Ring. Again I fall to musing.

I smoke a little myself now and then, but c'est plus fort que moi and ends in head-ache. Joko has at last learned to say 'Richard. He trills the r cunningly. He knows that he has little need to be jealous. Good-bye! He laughed and brought forth her picture which stood, framed and glazed, upon his desk.